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Invitation To Prayer

Further Prayers II

For peace

Jesus, giver of peace, we look for your gift amidst the conflicts of our time.
You are the Saviour who searches for us,
      the Friend who longs for us,
      the Redeemer who strives for us,
      and we set our troubled hearts before you.
Turn from us despondency,
      and keep us searching for the way that leads to peace;
Turn from us disillusion,
      and keep us longing for the healing that makes for peace;
Turn from us despair, and keep us striving for the change that will build peace;
until our hopes find their fulfilment in your gift made real.

For communities suffering war

God of compassion, look in mercy on all who suffer the
  terrors of war -
the anguished, the frightened, and the pained,
all who are wounded,
all who mourn,
and all who have lost home or livelihood.
May they know respite, relief, and hope.

For combatants

Jesus Christ,
who in the hour of your death was recognised as Saviour
by a soldier standing nearby:
be to those whose bear arms now, a sign of saving hope.
In circumstances of danger and ever-pressing fear
keep alive in them steadfastness and courage.
Preserve in them when tested, righteous and humane values;
and uphold their good wills
      until they are released from the awful necessities
      of human strife.

For relief agencies

Liberating God,
who rends the chains of sin
      and breaks the power of its consequences,
be the ever-present encourager of those who serve your cause
      in bringing relief to the war weary and the hurting.
Protect them when danger threatens,
      steel their resolve when the pressures are too great,
      and resource them in their labours,
that all whom they serve may find in their efforts
      the beginnings of life renewed.

For diplomacy

Creator, in the beginning you spoke and all that is was made,
we seek a new act of creation,
that our feeble words may bring to birth a peace that lasts.
Breath into our words, your Word,
and make of what we say a world alive with new possibilities.

For reconciliation

Lord of light,
yours is the brightness of love that shines even
  in the deepest gloom;
kindle, we pray, within the places of power such a spark of love
that the flame of reconciliation may run its blazing course,
enemies be turned into friends,
and the way to the future be made bright for all.

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