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Invitation To Prayer

A Short Form of Prayer in the Evening

for peace and justice,
for the leaders of the nations
and for those in danger

This may form the basis for a short act of prayer in church or at home, at a regular time each day or week, at the start or conclusion of a silent vigil, or whenever people meet together to pray.

 Our help is in the name of the Lord
All: Who has made heaven and earth.

The praise of God for light in the darkness of sin
Blessed are you, God of compassion and mercy,
to you be praise and glory for ever.
In the darkness of our sin,
your light breaks forth like the dawn
and your healing springs up for deliverance.
As we rejoice in the gift of your saving help,
sustain us with your bountiful Spirit
and open our lips to sing your praise:
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Blessed be God for ever.

A hymn or canticle may be sung

I am always with you;
you hold me by my right hand.

You will guide me with your counsel
and afterwards receive me with glory.

Whom have I in heaven but you?
And there is nothing upon earth that I desire
  in comparison with you.

Though my flesh and my heart fail me,
God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever.

Psalm 73.23-26

Glory to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning is now
and shall be for ever. Amen.


One of these short readings, or any other suitable passage, may be used

  May you be strengthened with all power, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Colossians 1.11a, 12-14

 Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.

Isaiah 43.1b


After the reading, this responsory may be used
The Lord is my light and my salvation;
the Lord is the strength of my life.
All:The Lord is my light and my salvation;
the Lord is the strength of my life.
The light shines in the darkness
and the darkness has not overcome it.
All:The Lord is the strength of my life.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
All:The Lord is my light and my salvation;
the Lord is the strength of my life.


This canticle may be said
In your tender compassion, O God
the dawn from on high shall break upon us.

Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.

Blessed are those who suffer persecution for righteousness' sake,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5.3-10

Glory to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning is now
and shall be for ever. Amen.

In your tender compassion, O God
the dawn from on high shall break upon us.


Prayer may be introduced by this short Litany
That this evening may be holy, good and peaceful:
we pray to you, O Lord.
That your holy angels may lead us in
  the paths of peace and goodwill:
we pray to you, O Lord.
That we may be pardoned and forgiven
  for our sins and offences:
we pray to you, O Lord.
That there may be peace in your Church
  and for the whole world:
we pray to you, O Lord.
That we may be bound together by your Holy Spirit,
in communion with [N and with] all your saints,
entrusting one another and all our life to Christ:
we pray to you, O Lord.

Prayers from the collection of Prayers and Further Prayers may be said.

Free prayer may be offered and silence is kept.

Let us commend ourselves, and all for whom we pray,
to the mercy and protection of God.

The Collect of the day or the following prayer is said
O God our protector,
by whose mercy the world turns safely into darkness
and returns again to light:
we give into your hands our unfinished tasks,
our unsolved problems,
and our unfulfilled hopes;
for you alone are our sure defence
and bring us lasting peace
in Jesus Christ our Lord.

We unite all our prayers in Christ's perpetual prayer to the Father
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory
for ever and ever.


We commend ourselves to God's mercy for his blessing
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be with us all evermore.

Prayer may end with the exchange of the Peace
May the peace of God, which passes all understanding,
keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
The peace of the Lord be always with you
And also with you.

Let us offer one another a sign of peace, God's seal on our prayers.

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