7. England, Church of England Hymnody. Fifth and Sixth Period.
-5thPer Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1861.
- Sixth Period A. 1862-1870.
A 1861-1870
1. Works on Hymnody.
Mr. Biggs, Hymns Ancient and Modern Annotated, 1867 ;
2. Collections not for Congregational use. The leading works of this
kind, and those which had the greatest influence upon the books published after
H. A. & M. were:
-Ju6thPerA-notCongr1. Lyra
Eucharistica: Hymns & Verses on the Holy Communion Ancient & Modern,
with other Poems. 1863. By the Rev. Orby Shipley, enlarged 1864.
-Ju6thPerA-notCongr2. Lyra
Messianica: Hymns and Verses on the Life of Christ, Ancient and Modern. With
other Poems. 1864. By the Rev. Orby Shipley.
-Ju6thPerA-notCongr3. Lyra
Mystica. 1865. By the Rev. Orby Shipley.
-Ju6thPerA-notCongr4. The
Book of Praise, from the best English Hymn Writers, Selected and Arranged
by Roundell Palmer. 1862. (1863
Royal edition); (1864
edition) 3rd ed. enlarged, -1867;
edition); -(1870
-Ju6thPerA-notCongr5. Lyra
Britannica, A Collection of British Hymns printed from the Genuine Texts. With
Biographical sketches of the Hymn-writers. By the Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D.,
1867. (This was not a Church of England work; but it assisted materially in
restoring the original texts of Church of England hymns.)
3. Supplements, New Editions of Old Books, &c. These supplements and reprints
included the following:
*-Ju6thPerA-Suppl1. An Appendix to the Hymnal Noted. By T. I. Ball. 1st ed.,
1862, 213 hymns and 2 litanies; *- 2nd ed., 1863, 343 hymns; *-3rd ed., 1867,
357 hymns; *-6th ed., 1877, 371 hymns. The later editions are entitled The Hymnal
Noted, With Appendix revised and greatly enlarged. Mr. Ball issued an additional
Supplement at Edinburgh in 1882, which increased the total to 588 hymns. It
has also Introits, Graduals, Tracts, and Sequences according to the Roman
*-Ju6thPerA-Suppl2. Appendix to the S. P. C. K. Psalms and Hymns 1863.
-Ju6thPerA-Suppl3. The
Supplemental Hymn Book. By the Rev. R. H. Baynes. 1866.
Appendix Hymnal. By the Rev. H. L. Nicholson. 1866.
Ju6thPerA-Suppl5. The
Supplementary Hymnal. By the Rev. H. J. Palmer. 1866.
-Ju6thPerA-Suppl6. Hymns
for the Special Services and Festivals [in Chester Cathedral.] Two Parts.
*-Ju6thPerA-Suppl7. Supplemental Hymn & Tune Book. 1867. By the Rev. R.
Brown-Borthwick. -(Fourth
edition, 1871)
-Ju6thPerA-Suppl8. Appendix
to Hymns Ancient and Modern. 1868. By the Compilers.
*-Ju6thPerA-Suppl9. A Supplemental Hymn Book. [to the S. P. C. K. Psalms and
Hymns.]. By Richard Harvey. 1868.
*-Ju6thPerA-Suppl10. Appendix to Hymns Ancient and Modern. for St. Philip's,
Clerkenwell. 1868. This collection contains several original hymns by Mr. Whiting.
*-Ju6thPerA-Suppl11. Appendix to the S. P. C. K. Psalms and Hymns 1869.
*-Ju6thPerA-Suppl12. Appendix to The Hymnal for West Hackney. 1869. This contains
the Rev. T. Hugo's original hymns.
4. Independent Collections. These again are numerous:
*-Ju6thPerA-IndCol1. Hymns Fitted to the Order of Common Prayer and Administration
of the Sacraments, &c. 1861. By the Rev. F. Pott. -(1867
*-Ju6thPerA-IndCol2. Hymns Used at the Church of St. Thomas the Martyr, Oxford.
1861; (1866
edition) *-Enlarged ed., 1870. By the Rev. T. Chamberlain.
-Ju6thPerA-IndCol3. The
Choral Hymn Book, Psalms and Hymns for Public and Private Use, &c. 1861.
By the Rev. P. Maurice.
-Ju6thPerA-IndCol4. Words
of Hymns in the Appendix of the Brompton Metrical Psalter. 1861. By the
Rev. W. J. Irons.
-Ju6thPerA-IndCol5. The
Church and Home Metrical Psalter A Hymnal. By the Rev. William Windle, M.A.,
Rector of St. Stephen's, Walbrook, and St. Benet's. London, 1862. (1860
edition); (1870
-Ju6thPerA-IndCol6. A
Hymnal for Use in The Services of the Church. By the Rev. J. B. Trend, B.A.,
Fellow of St. Augustine's College, Canterbury. 1862.
*-Ju6thPerA-IndCol7. Hymns for the Church Services, Lincoln, 1862, Supplements,
*-1867 and *-1871. Edited by Prebendary H. W. Hutton of Lincoln.
*-Ju6thPerA-IndCol8. Psalms and Hymns for the Church, School, and Home. By the
Rev. D. T. Barry, B.A., Incumbent of St. Ann's Birkenhead, 1862; -(1865
edition); -(1866
edition); -(1867
edition) *-(1871 edition); Rector of Fishley, Norfolk, 1880.
This collection attained to extensive use. It was issued with a different arrangement
in 1867, and an Appendix was added in *-1871. In the latest edition the title
is changed to *-The Parish Hymn Book, the title of the collection pub. by the
Rev. H. W. Beadon and others in 1863. *-(1875 edition)
*-Ju6thPerA-IndCol9. A Book of Praise; or, Hymns for Divine Worship in the United
Church of England A Ireland, &c. 1862. By the Rev. A. Gurney.
*-Ju6thPerA-IndCol10. The Daily Service Hymnal. 1863. By the Rev. James Skinner.
The revised small type ed. of -1864
contained an article explanatory of Commemoration Days, and Introits and
*-Ju6thPerA-IndCol11. The Parish Hymns Book 1863. By the Revs. H. W. Beadon,
Greville Phillimore, and J. R. Woodford, all of whom contributed original hymns.
In *-1875 it was enlarged from 197 to 274 hymns.
-Ju6thPerA-IndCol12. Hymnologia
Christiana: or, Psalms & Hymns selected & arranged in the order of the
Christian Seasons. By B. H. Kennedy. 1863.
-Ju6thPerA-IndCol13. The
Canterbury Hymnal. By the Rev. R. H. Baynes. 1863.
-Ju6thPerA-IndCol14. A
Book of Common Praise. 1863.
-Ju6thPerA-IndCol15. Hymns
Old and New. 1864. (1865
edtion); By the Rev. T. Davis.
-Ju6thPerA-IndCol16. Hymns
for the Use of the Parish Church of Albury. By the Rev. G. R. Portal, M.A.,
Rector of Albury. 1864.
Hymns New and Old. 1864. By Lord Rollo.
*-Ju6thPerA-IndCol18. Hymns of the Church of God. By the Rev. F. V. Mather,
Perpetual Curate of St. Paul's Church, Clifton; Chaplain to the Bp. of Gloucester
& Bristol. (1st
ed 1852); -(1st
ed. 1863); -(Am.
ed 1863) (3rd
ed. 1866)
-Ju6thPerA-IndCol19. A
Book of Church Hymns 1865. Compiled for the Use of St. Saviour's, Clapham.
It was adopted by several churches in the neighbourhood. It is found with a
change of title as -Hymns
for St. Saviour's, Clapham; *-Holy Trinity, Clapham ; *-St. Michael's, Mitcham,
-Ju6thPerA-IndCol20. A
Selection of Psalms & Hymns for Public Worship. 1865. By the Rev. Abner
W. Brown.
-6thPerA-IndCol21. Hymns
of Prayer and Praise for the Services of the Church and for Private Devotion.
Calne, 1865.
*-Ju6thPerA-IndCol22. Hymns for use in Church. By the Rev. W. J. Irons. 1866.
An enlargement of his Appendix, 1861. *-(1873 edition); (1875
-Ju6thPerA-IndCol23. Church
Song. A Compilation of Psalms and Hymns for Anglican Use. 1866. By the Rev.
W. J. Beaumont, Rector of Cole-Orton, Diocese of Peterborough.
*-Ju6thPerA-IndCol24. The People's Hymnal. 1867. By the Rev. R. F. Littledale.
*-(1868 edition)
*-Ju6thPerA-IndCol25. The Book of Praise Hymnal. 1867. By Lord Selborne. (1868
edition); (1870
*-Ju6thPerA-IndCol26. Hymns of Prayer and Praise. 1867. By the Rev. S. F. Jones.
Prepared for the Special Services in Westminster Abbey. (1864
The Year of Praise. 1867. By the Rev. H. Alford.
*-Ju6thPerA-IndCol28. The Temple Church Hymn Book. London, 1867. -(1869
-Ju6thPerA-IndCol29. The
Sarum Hymnal. 1868. By Earl Nelson, and the Revs. J. R. Woodford and E.
A. Dayman; -(1870
-Ju6thPerA-IndCol30. The
St. Michael's Hymnal. Teignmouth, 1868.
*-Ju6thPerA-IndCol31. The Bonchurch Hymn Book for use in Public Worship, Devotional
Meetings, and Schools. By the Rev. J. G. Gregory, M.A., Rector. 1868. (1869
edition) This has been superseded
by *-A Selection of Hymns for use in Emmanuel Church, Hove, Brighton, 1869,
by the same Editor.
-Ju6thPerA-IndCol32. The
Anglican Hymn Book. 1868. By the Rev. R. C. Singleton. -(Revised
and enlarged, 1871).
-Ju6thPerA-IndCol33. Hymnal
for the Church and Home. By the Rev. B. A. Marshall, M.A., Incumbent of
St. Cuthbert's, Carlisle. 1868.
-Ju6thPerA-IndCol34. Holy
Song for All Seasons. 1869. A Selection of 631 hymns.
-Ju6thPerA-IndCol35. Selections
from a Hymnal suited for the Services of the Church, with some Introits and
Antiphons, and an Appendix. Privately printed by W. Knott, Greville St.,
Brook St., Holborn, E.C., 1869. This has three Appendices.
-Ju6thPerA-IndCol36. The
Hymnal Companion. 1870. By the Rev E. H. Bickersteth.