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Oud Joodse Hymnodie
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na de Reformatie

Engelse Hymnodie


Getting to know Common Praise:
Hymns for Lent
Vol. 2 No. 1, January 1999

by Barbara Liotscos,
Consultant for Ministry and Worship

In any hymn book there is a wealth of texts and melodies to complement the lectionary readings, and the seasonal themes related to them. This is the case with the new Anglican hymn book, Common Praise, but as with anything new, the question remains of how to find out what's there. Looking at the process of choosing hymns for the five Sundays of Lent - Year A is a good way to explore Common Praise.

The Table of Contents and the page headings make it easy to find the Christian Year Lent section: hymns #170-180. Not quite so obvious is the Subject Index at the back of the book (pp.927ff), where under the headings Lent (first Sunday) , and Lent (season) an additional 39 hymns are listed alphabetically by first line.

In the Biblical Index (pp. 937ff), hymn numbers are listed for most, if not all of the appointed Sunday lections. Sometimes there are several hymn numbers for each lection, since the biblical index is intended for use not only with the Sunday lectionary, but for other occasions also. For example, the readings for Lent 2 (Year A), which include an alternate gospel for the Feast of the Transfiguration, generate a list of 35 hymns.

Cross-referencing the biblical index list of hymns for a Sunday with the seasonal list to find the common hymns narrows the choice considerably. For Lent 2, there is only one, #482 - Come and Journey with a Saviour. Other Sundays have more: Lent 1 has six (488, 352, 170, 172, 175, 176, 564), and Lent 3 has five (471, 179, 352, 400, 616). In some cases, the same hymn is listed for more than one reading on a Sunday. For example, #468 - To Abraham and Sarah, is listed in the biblical index under two of the lections for Lent 2 (Genesis and Romans).

The list of hymn possibilities for each Sunday of Lent can also be cross-checked with the index of Hymns for Use with Children and Youth (pages 925-6). For example, from the various hymns found for Lent 2, the Taize hymn #530 - De noche iremos (By night we hasten), or, if Transfiguration is being observed, #619 - Fairest Lord Jesus, are listed in that index.

Hymn suggestions in other resources such as The Whole People of God (Wood Lake Books, Kelowna), or McCausland's Order of Divine Service 1998-99, including the Revised Common Lectionary and Hymns for the Lectionary (edited by Stephen and Mary Reynolds and David Brinton, Anglican Book Centre:Toronto, 1998) may be helpful. For example, for Lent 2 (Transfiguration) McCausland's includes from The (Red) Hymn Book (1971) #323, The Son of God Proclaim ( Common Praise #77) which is missing from Common Praise 's biblical index for the Transfiguration passages. Most of the Lenten hymns from the 1938 and 1971 hymn books suggested for the 5 Sundays of Lent in McCausland's can be found in Common Praise .

While the indexes in Common Praise assist in the selection of hymns which complement both the lectionary and the seasonal themes, some consideration needs to be given to where in the liturgy each hymn might be used effectively - for example, as a gathering act of praise, a gospel acclamation, an offertory, during communion, or as part of the dismissal of the disciples to their ministry in the world (see the introduction to the Biblical Index, page 937).

Some hymns may be used to substitute for other liturgical elements (see the introduction to the Subject Index on page 927). For example, one of the hymns listed both in the Biblical Index and in the Subject Index under Psalm 121 (appointed for Lent 2) is # 543 - Unto the hills Around Do I Lift Up. Another hymn, #46 - I Believe in God the Almighty - is a Swahili paraphrase of the Nicene creed, and #44 is a metrical setting of the Apostles' Creed (paraphrased). One of the hymns from the Subject Index listing for Lent, #581 - Lord, Who Left the Highest Heaven - could provide a sung refrain for the Prayers of the People. Another, #54 - Bread of the World, In Mercy Broken - could substitute for the usual congregational fraction anthem for the Breaking of the Bread, for one Sunday or throughout the Lenten season. The Subject Index, under the heading Dismissal , offers several hymns (including one from the Lenten list, #564 - Lead Us, Heavenly Father, Lead Us) which might be suitable substitutions for the optional prayers after communion provided in The Book of Alternative Services.

The Music for the Eucharist section, under the page heading ´At the Breaking of the Bread' includes various settings of the Agnus Dei /Lamb of God: #745, 746, 747. There are also several settings of the Kyrie Eleison /Lord have Mercy in this section: #678, 687, 692, 703-706. Among the series of Common Refrains are some that are particularly suitable for use with the Prayers of the People in Lent (#765-769).

It is noteworthy that a selection of hymns from Common Praise generated in this way includes a broad range of sources: texts and melodies written by men and women, from the 3rd century to the present day, in many different languages. This information is found on the page beneath each hymn. The sources are ecumenical in nature, including, in addition to Anglican hymns, texts and melodies from the Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, Methodist and other traditions. The styles and rhythms range from medieval chant, to African American Spirituals, to metric hymn, to Taize, to Bible Songs, to popular contemporary. Guitar chords are provided for some, and are fairly easily developed for many others. Some hymns are ideal for singing without accompaniment.

Using the process outlined above, the following list of hymns was generated for the five Sundays of Lent (Year A). It is not exhaustive or prescriptive, but rather a small tour of lectionary-related Lenten resources in Common Praise . Each first line title and tune name (in italics) includes the 1971 (R) and 1938 (B) hymn book numbering in brackets - after the Common Praise number if both text and melody are the same, or after the title, or tune name. Also in brackets after the title and the tune name is the century of their source. The hymns are listed according to a suggested (not the only possible) placement for them in the liturgy.

* indicates that the hymn is listed in the Index of Hymns for Use With Children and Youth.
G indicates that guitar chords are provided.

Gathering Act of Praise
170 The Glory of These Forty Days (6th) Erhalt uns, Herr (16th) (R434)
175 (R438, B105) Forty Days and Forty Nights (19th) Heinlein, Aus der Tiefe (17th)
Gospel Acclamation
180 (R436, B116) Giver of the Perfect Gift (11th) Song 13 (16th-17th)
352 Amazing Grace (18/19th) New Britain (19th) G
372 (R40, B384) Praise to the Holiest in the Height (19th) Gerontius (19th)
172 Now Let Us All With One Accord (6th) Bourbon (19th)
608* Come, You Sinners, Poor and Needy (18th) Restoration (19th)
614 Forgive Our Sins As We Forgive (20th) (R74) Detroit (19th) (R150)
360* Bless the Lord, My Soul (Psalms, para. 20th) Bless the Lord (20th) G
488 The Tree of Life My Soul Hath Seen (18th) Pinkham (20th)
628 (R100, B475) O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High (15th) Puer Nobis Nascitur (16th-17th)
176 (B176) By the Holy Spirit Sent (20th) Lew Trenchard (English trad.)
564 (R268, B407) Lead Us, Heavenly Father, Lead Us (19th) Mannheim (19th)

LENT 2 (Transfiguration)
Gathering Act of Praise
257 (R487) Have Mercy on Us, God Most High (19th) (B436) Lincoln (16th-17th)
347 (R23, B371) The God of Abraham Praise (1400) Leoni (18th) (Yigdal trad.)
412 O God, Beyond All Face and Form (20th) Melita (19th) (R221, B301)
for Psalm 121
543 (R129, B520) Unto the Hills around Do I Lift Up (Psalms, para. 19th) Sandon (19th)
Gospel Acclamation
468 To Abraham and Sarah (20th) Thornbury (18th-19th) (R152, B561)
529 (R134) God, My Hope on You Is Founded (17th) Michael (20th)
552 My Heart Looks in Faith (20th) Song of the Yangtze Boatman (20th)
408 Wind Upon the Waters (20th) Wind Upon the Waters (20th) G
530* De noche iremos/By Night We Hasten (20th) De Noche Iremos (20th) G
if Transfiguration:
162 (R433, alt.) Sing of God Made Manifest (20th) (B96, alt.) Salzburg (17th)
168 Transfigured Christ, None Comprehends (20th) Brockham (17th) (R34)
255 Eternal God, Your Love's Tremendous Glory (20th) Highwood (19th-20th)
607 (B118) Come, Let Us to the Lord Our God (Hosea, para. 18th) (R72) St. Bernard (19th)
619* (R46, B604) Fairest Lord Jesus (17th) Crusaders' Hymn (Silesian trad.)
9* Today I Awake (20th) Slithers of Gold (20th)
390 Womb of Life and Source of Being (20th) Ladue Chapel (20th)
456 He Comes to Us As One Unknown (20th) Lobt Gott,Ihr Christen (15th-16th)
if Transfiguration:
77 (R323) The Son of God Proclaim (20th) Sunderland (19th)
167 (R492) 'Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here (19th-20th) Carlisle (18th-19th)
455 (R249) Dear God, Compassionate and Kind (19th) (B544) Repton (18th-19th)
482* Come and Journey with a Saviour (20th) Beach Spring (19th)
503 (R175, B549) Fight the Good Fight With All Thy Might (19th) Pentecost (19th-20th)
if Transfiguration:
166 We Have Come At Christ's Own Bidding (20th) O Mein Jesu,Ich Muss Sterben (19th)

Gathering Act of Praise
394 (R25) Eternal, Unchanging (20th) St. Basil (20th)
407* Many and Great, O God, Are Your Works (Dakota hymn, para. 20th) Lacquiparle (Dakota hymn)
423 How Great Thou Art (20th) How Great Thou Art (20th) G
602* (R321,alt.) Lift High the Cross (20th) Crucifer (20th)
for Psalm
748 Venite
Gospel Acclamation
178 Restore in Us, O God (20th) Bellwoods (20th)
179* Tree of Life and Awesome Mystery (20th) Thomas (20th) G
396 O Praise the Gracious Power (20th) Christpraise Ray (20th)
42 Crashing Waters at Creation (20th) Marching (20th) (R222)
or Stuttgart (18th) (R389, B548)
177 A Spendthrift Lover is the Lord (20th) Beach Haven (20th)
354 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (18th) Nettleton (19th) G
361 Surely It Is God Who Saves Me (Isaiah, para. 20th) Ecce, Deus (20th) G
475 Not Far Beyond the Sea (20th) Chapel Royal (18th)
606 (R76, B799) There's a Wideness in God's Mercy (19th) Gott Will's Machen (18th)
616 (R66, B451) Father of Heaven, Whose Love Profound (17th-18th) Rivaulx (19th)
400* What Wondrous Love Is This (19th) Wondrous Love (19th)
345 (R195, B803) King of Glory, King of Peace (17th) Gwalchmai (19th)
533 (R77, B510) Jesus, Lover of My Soul (18th) Aberystwyth (19th)
453 Living Lord of Love's Dominion (20th) Pleading Saviour (19th)
471 (R170) Let My People Seek Their Freedom (20th) Omni Dei (17th)
565 (R269, B406) Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (18th) Cwm Rhondda (20th)

Gathering Act of Praise
8 (R357, B2) Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun (17th-18th) Morning Hymn (18th)
397 Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness (20th) Nettleton (19th) G
460* Lord, the Light of Your Love Is Shining (20th) Shine Jesus Shine (20th) G
465 Here in This Place New Light Is Shining (20th) Gather Us In (20th)
for Psalm 23
519 (R131) The Lord's My Shepherd (Psalms, para. 17th) (B547) Crimond (19th)
Gospel Acclamation
101 (R154, B396) Hail to the Lord's Anointed, v.1,2,4 (19th) Cruger (17th)
115 Awake, O Sleeper, Rise from Death (20th) Marsh Chapel (20th)
311* Awake, Arise: O Sing a New Song (20th) Awake, Arise (20th)
446 Word of God, Come Down on Earth (20th) Liebster Jesu (17th)
422* (R243, B597) God, Who Touchest Earth with Beauty (20th) Spiritus Christi (20th)
590 All Who Love and Serve Your City (20th) (R168) Birabus (20th)
610 Before I Take the Body of My Lord (20th) Laying Down (20th)
612 Healer of Our Every Ill (20th) Healer of Our Every Ill (20th)
64 (B250) Author of Life Divine (18th) Rhosymedre (19th) (R219)
85 Shepherd of Souls, Refresh and Bless (19th) St. Agnes (19th) (R121, B493)
509 Precious Lord, Take My hand (20th) Precious Lord (19th)
512* I Want Jesus to Walk With Me (African-American spiritual) African-American spiritual
514 Jesus, Joy of Our Desiring (17th) Werde Munter (17th)
469 Sing Praises Old and New (20th) Fondren (20th)
560 (R235, B284) God, Whose Almighty Word (18th-19th) Moscow (18th)
599 Awake! Awake! Fling Off the Night (20th) Church Triumphant (18th-19th) (R497, B212)

Gathering Act of Praise
318 (B400) Rejoice Today With One Accord (19th) Ein' Feste Burg (16th) (R135)
631 The Kingdom of God is Justice and Joy (20th) Paderborn (18th) (R35)
638 (R246) O Holy Spirit, By Whose Breath (9th) Veni Creator Spiritus (20th)
for Psalm 130
542 Out of the Depths (R439,alt) Sandon (19th) (R129)
Gospel Acclamation
515 (R259, B591) Thou Art the Way: to Thee Alone (18th-19th) St. James (18th)
442 Great God, Your Love Has Called Us Here (20th) St. Petersburg (18th-19th)
511 Lord Jesus, Think On Me (3rd-4th) Southwell (16th)
613 We Lay Our Broken World (20th) Garelochside (20th) (R492)
81 (R225) Father, We Thank Thee Who Hast Planted (2nd) Les Commandemens (16th)
408 (see Lent 2) G
649 (R240, B485) Breathe on Me, Breath of God (19th) Trentham (19th-20th)
454 Revive Thy Work O Lord (19th-20th) (B585) Carlisle (18th-19th) (R492)
466 How Clear Is Our Vocation, Lord (20th) Repton (19th) (R249)