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Liturgiek TVG



Vroeg Christelijk

Oosters Orthodox

Westers Katholiek



Geschiedenis van de Hymnodie

Oud Joodse Hymnodie
Vroeg Christelijke Hymnodie
Griekse Hymnodie tot 900AD
Latijnse Hymnodie
Lutherse Hymnodie
Calvinistische (Franse) Psalmodie
Nederlandse Gemeentezang
na de Reformatie

Engelse Hymnodie



Key Features of Evangelical Lutheran Worship:
TEN musical settings for Holy Communion, plus Service of the Word
ALL 150 Psalms
LUTHER’S Small Catechism
Nearly SEVEN HUNDRED diverse hymns, songs, and service music pieces
ORIGINAL WORKS OF ART decorating initial pages of sections
DESIGN FEATURES to improve navigation and user-friendliness

Content Overview of Evangelical Lutheran Worship
Holy Communion Settings
One: new setting by Mark Mummert, Robert Buckley Farlee, and Thomas Pavlechko
Two: by Marty Haugen, revised from Renewing Worship
--The remaining settings include complete music, but only minimal text for navigation
Three: LBW Setting One
Four: LBW Setting Two
Five: chant setting based on LBW Setting Three and SBH Setting Two
Six: from This Far by Faith
Seven: from Libro de Liturgia y Cántico
Eight: contemporary, from various sources
Nine: by Joel Martinson, revised from Renewing Worship
Ten: hymn-based setting
Service of the Word
Holy Baptism
Includes Holy Baptism, Welcome to Baptism, Affirmation of Baptism, Corporate Confession and Forgiveness, and Individual Confession and Forgiveness
Lent and the Three Days
Includes liturgies for Ash Wednesday, Procession with Palms, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Vigil of Easter
Life Passages
Includes Healing, Funeral, and Marriage liturgies
Daily Prayer
Includes congregational Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, Night Prayer, and Responsive Prayer services
All 150 Psalms, all pointed for singing. Translation based on LBW version, with minor updates based on newer biblical scholarship
Assembly Song
650-700 hymns and songs, of which
• 53% are from LBW
• 20% are from With One Voice
• 21% are from New Hymns and Songs (Renewing Worship)
• 6% from Libro de Liturgia y Cántico, This Far by Faith, Worship & Praise, and other sources
Additional Resources
Includes Luther’s Small Catechism, The Liturgy Is Biblical, and Daily Lectionary