Index of first lines and tunes
A debtor to mercy alone (Trewen) 701
A Man there lived in Galilee (Tyrol) 702
A song was heard at Christmas (Holy Apostles) 703
Alas! and did my Saviour bleed (Abney) 704
All my hope on God is founded (Michael) 705
All shall be well (Song 46) 706
All who love and serve your city (1 Alnwick Lea 2 Charlestown) 707
Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks (Alleluia No1) 708
Amazing grace (Amazing Grace) 709
And was it for my sins (Bod Alwyn) 710
Away with our fears (Ardwick) 711
Before the ending of the day (Te lucis) 712
Behold a broken world, we pray (St Mary) 713
Behold, the great Creator makes (This endris nyght) 714
Born in song (Chatsworth) 715
Broken for me (Broken for me) 716
Cast thy burden on the Lord (Savannah)) 717
Christ is the King (Vulpius/Gelobt sei Gott) 718
Christ is the world's light (Christe Sanctorum 719
Christ triumphant (Guiting Power) 720
Come, every thankful heart (Christchurch) 721
Creator of the earth and skies (1 Plaistow 2 Breslau)) 722
Earth was waiting, spent and restless (1 Ridley 2 Picardy) 723
Eternal Father, Lord of life (Bishopgarth) 724
Eternal Spirit of the living Christ (Farley Castle) 725
Fill your hearts with joy (Unser Herrscher) 726
For your gift of God the Spirit (Blaenwern) 727
Forgive our sins as we forgive (Mendip) 728
From heaven you came (Servant King) 729
Glory be to God the Father (1 Westminster Abbey 2 Glory) 730
Go forth and tell (Yanworth) 731
God is our strength and refuge (Dambusters' March) 732
God of gods, we sound his praises (God of gods) 733
Great God of wonders (Huddersfield (Newton)/ Sovereignty) 734
He lives in us, the Christ of God (Kingsfold) 735
Heavenly hosts in ceaseless worship (Love Divine (Zundel)) 736
Here from all nations (O quanta qualia) 737
Here within this house of prayer (England's Lane) 738
His eyes will guide my footsteps (Bentley) 739
How dark was the night of his coming (Yr Hen Ddarbi/Old Derby) 740
How firm a foundation (Montgomery) 741
How gracious are their feet (Day of praise) 742
I am the bread of life (I am the bread of life) 743
I come with joy (University) 744
I'll praise my Maker (Monmouth) 745
If Christ had not been raised (Vox dilecti) 746
In memory of the Saviour's love (St.Peter) 747
Jesus is Lord (Jesus is Lord) 748
Jesus, Lard, we pray (Arnstadt/Seelenbrautigam) 749
Joy to the world (Antioch) 750
Lift high the cross (Crucifer) 751
Lighten our darkness (Cloisters) 752
Like a river glorious (Wye Valley) 753
Lord, as the day begins (Samuel) 754
Lord, for the years (Lord of the years) 755
Lord God, your love has called us (Ryburn) 756
Lord Jesus Christ (Living Lord) 757
Lord, let your grace descend (St.Fulbert) 758
Lord, now let your servant (1 Faithful Vigil 2 Fawley Lodge) 759
Lord of all hopefulness (Slane) 760
Lord of creation (Slane) 761
Lord of our growing years (Little Cornard) 762
Loved with everlasting love (Everlasting Love) 763
Low in the grave he lay (Christ arose) 764
Morning has broken (Bunessan) 765
My Lord, I did not choose you (King's Lynn) 766
Name of all majesty (Majestas) 767
New songs of celebration render (Rendez a Dieu) 768
Not far beyond the sea (Cornwall) 769
O bless the Lord, my soul (Venice) 770
O Father, you are sovereign (Somerstown) 771
O God beyond all praising (Thaxted) 772
O Love that will not let me go (St.Margaret) 773
O Sacrifice of Calvary (Framlingham) 774
O the deep, deep love of Jesus (Ebenezer) 775
O thou who this mysterious bread (1 St.Botolph 2 St.Enodoc) 776
One there is above all others (Gounod) 777
Our cities cry to you, O God (Noel) 778
Praise him, praise him, praise him (St.Helens 779
Restore, O Lord (Restore, O Lord) 780
Safe in the shadow of the Lord (Creator God) 781
Sing to God new songs of worship (Ode to Joy) 782
Sovereign grace o'er sin abounding (Regent Square) 783
Thanks to God whose word was spoken (St.Helen) 784
The kingdom of God (Hanover) 785
The Lord Jehovah reigns (St.John/Adoration) 786
The Spirit came, as promised (The Spirit came) 787
There is a Redeemer (There is a Redeemer) 788
Thou art the everlasting Word (Supremacy) 789
To him we come (Living Lord) 790
To mock your reign (Third Mode Melody) 791
We give immortal praise (Croft's 136th) 792
We have a gospel to proclaim (Fulda) 793
We turn to Christ anew (Leoni) 794
What Adam's disobedience cost (Hermon) 795
When Christ was lifted (Metzler) 796
When God the Spirit came (Cardington) 797
When to our world the Saviour came (Angelus 798
Wise men, they came (Neumark/Bremen) 799
With glorious clouds encompassed (St.Gregory) 800