Index First Lines and Titles Evangelical Lutheran Worship 2006
393 A hymn of glory let us sing!
340 A lamb goes uncomplaining forth
503-505 A mighty fortress is our God
539 Abide, O dearest Jesus
629 Abide with me
539 Abide with us, our Savior
691 Accept, O Lord, the gifts we bring
349 Ah, holy Jesus
337 Alas! And did my Savior bleed
375 Aleluya! Cristo resucito
641 All Are Welcome
835 All creatures, worship God most high!
835 All creatures of our God and King
589 All depends on our possessing
266 All earth is hopeful
410 All glory be to God on high
344 All glory, laud, and honor
634 All hail the power of Jesus' name!
273 All my heart again rejoices
757 All my hope on God is founded
883 All people that on earth do dwell
565 All praise to thee, my God, this night
442 All who believe and are baptized
461 All who hunger, gather gladly
724 All who love and serve your city
375 Alleluia! Christ is arisen
377 Alleluia! Jesus is risen!
392 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus
318 Alleluia, song of gladness
828 Alleluia! Voices raise
516 Almighty God, your word is cast
644 Although I speak with angel's tongue
779 Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
846 Amen siakudumisa
846 Amen, we praise your name
888 America the Beautiful
275 Angels, from the realms of glory
289 Angels we have heard on high
680 Aramos nuestros campos
827 Arise, my soul, arise!
314 Arise, your light has come!
468 Around you, O Lord Jesus
508 As rain from the clouds
695 As saints of old
261 As the dark awaits the dawn
331 As the deer runs to the river
465 As the grains of wheat
329 As the sun with longer journey
522 As we gather at your table
302 As with gladness men of old
362 At the Lamb's high feast we sing
416 At the name of Jesus
242 Awake! Awake, and greet the new morn
378 Awake, my heart, with gladness
557 Awake, my soul, and with the sun
452 Awake, O sleeper, rise from death
277,278 Away in a manger
453 Baptized and Set Free
456 Baptized in water
890 Battle Hymn of the Republic
388 Be not afraid
793 Be thou my vision
838 Beautiful Savior
457 Before I can remember
893 Before you, Lord, we bow
649 Behold, how pleasant
425 Behold the host arrayed in white
648 Beloved, God's chosen
338 Beneath the cross of Jesus
326 Bless now, O God, the journey
638 Blessed assurance
250 Blessed be the God of Israel
552 Blessed be the God of Israel
797 Blessed be the name
854 Blessing and honor
433 Blessing, Honor, and Glory
433 Blessing, honor, glory to the Lamb
728 Blest are they
656 Blest be the tie that binds
732 Borning Cry
474 Bread of life from heaven
464 Bread of life, our host and meal
515 Break now the bread of life
301 Bright and glorious is the sky
303 Brightest and best of the stars
700 Bring Peace to Earth Again
670 Build us up, Lord
652 Built on a rock
420,421 By all your saints
626 By gracious powers
469 By your hand you feed your people
794 Calm to the waves
354 Calvary
822 Cantad al Senor
555 Cantemos al Senor
723 Canticle of the Turning
801 Change my heart, O God
609 Chief of sinners though I be
781 Children of the heavenly Father
715 Christ, Be Our Light
364 Christ has arisen, alleluia
389 Christ is alive! Let Christians sing
372 Christ is arisen
645 Christ is made the sure foundation
382 Christ is risen! Alleluia!
383 Christ is risen! Shout Hosanna!
662 Christ is the king!
370 Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands
560 Christ, mighty Savior
339 Christ, the life of all the living
373 Christ the Lord is risen today!
369 Christ the Lord is risen today; Alleluia!
304 Christ, when for us you were baptized
553 Christ, whose glory fills the skies
371 Christians, to the paschal victim
299 Cold December flies away
819 Come, all you people
528 Come and fill our hearts
306 Come, beloved of the Maker
804 Come down, O Love divine
799 Come, follow me, the Savior spake
404 Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly dove
395 Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord
412 Come, join the dance of Trinity
491 Come, let us eat
847 Come, let us join our cheerful songs
720 Come! Live in the light!
816 Come, my way, my truth, my life
247 Come now, O Prince of peace
408 Come, thou almighty King
807 Come, thou Fount of every blessing
254 Come, thou long-expected Jesus
777 Come to me, all pilgrims thirsty
481 Come to the table
687 Come to us, creative Spirit
625 Come, we that love the Lord
501 Come with us, O blessed Jesus
607 Come, ye disconsolate
693 Come, ye thankful people, come
363 Come, you faithful, raise the strain
256 Comfort, comfort now my people
528 Confitemini Domino
444 Cradling children in his arm
455 Crashing waters at creation
684 Creating God, your fingers trace
245 Creator of the stars of night
577,578 Creator Spirit, heavenly dove
855 Crown him with many crowns
725 Cuando el pobre
790 Day by day
374 Day of arising
594 Dear Christians, one and all, rejoice
520 Dearest Jesus, at your word
443 Dearest Jesus, we are here
298 Det kimer nu til julefest
753 Dona nobis pacem
470 Draw us in the Spirit's tether
593 Drawn to the Light
525 Du ar helig
252 Each winter as the year grows older
731 Earth and all stars!
472 Eat this bread
492 Eat this bread, drink this cup
664 El cielo canta alegria
538 Enviado soy de Dios
756 Eternal Father, strong to save
321 Eternal Lord of love, behold your church
402 Eternal Spirit of the living Christ
761 Evening and morning
354 Every time I think about Jesus
812,813 Faith of our fathers
415 Father most holy
478 Father, we thank you
259 Fling wide the door
419 For all the faithful women
422 For all the saints
427 For all your saints, O Lord
598 For by grace you have been saved
879 For the beauty of the earth
494 For the bread which you have broken
679 For the fruit of all creation
605 Forgive our sins as we forgive
268 From heaven above
532 Gather Us In
484 Gift of Finest Wheat
770 Give Me Jesus
428 Give Thanks for Saints
428 Give thanks for those whose faith is firm
848 Give to our God immortal praise!
647 Glorious things of you are spoken
540 Go, make disciples
543 Go, my children, with my blessing
290 Go tell it on the mountain
347 Go to dark Gethsemane
536 God be with you till we meet again
891 God bless our native land
738 God created heaven and earth
486 God extends an invitation
526 God is here!
323 God loved the world
795 God, my Lord, my strength
705 God of grace and God of glory
400 God of tempest, God of whirlwind
740 God of the sparrow
736 God the sculptor of the mountains
603 God, when human bonds are broken
564 God, who made the earth and heaven
771 God, who stretched the spangled heavens
673 God, whose almighty word
734 God, whose farm is all creation
678 God, whose giving knows no ending
509 God's word is our great heritage
852 Golden breaks the dawn
288 Good Christian friends, rejoice
385 Good Christian friends, rejoice and sing!
721 Goodness is stronger than evil
401 Gracious Spirit, heed our pleading
784 Grant peace, we pray, in mercy, Lord
358 Great God, your love has called us
733 Great is thy faithfulness
618 Guide me ever, great Redeemer
394 Hail thee, festival day!
311 Hail to the Lord's anointed
535 Haleluya! Pelo tsa rona
380 Hallelujah! Jesus lives!
535 Hallelujah! We sing your praises
239 Hark, the glad sound!
246 Hark! A thrilling voice is sounding!
270 Hark! The herald angels sing
764 Have no fear, little flock
829 Have you thanked the Lord?
253 He came down
737 He comes to us as one unknown
612 Healer of our every ill
585 Hear us now, our God and Father
664 Heaven is singing for joy
574 Here I Am, Lord
532 Here in this place
483 Here is bread
530 Here, O Lord, your servants gather
797 Heri ni jina
637 Holy God, holy and glorious
414 Holy God, we praise your name
473 Holy, holy, holy
762 Holy, holy, holy, holy
413 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!
406 Holy Spirit, come to us
582 Holy Spirit, ever dwelling
398 Holy Spirit, truth divine
580 How clear is our vocation, Lord
796 How firm a foundation
315 How good, Lord, to be here!
856 How Great Thou Art
698 How long, O God
830 How marvelous God's greatness
636 How small our span of life
620 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
271 I am so glad each Christmas Eve
485 I am the Bread of life
450 1 bind unto myself today
482 I come with joy
332,611 I heard the voice of Jesus say
619 I know that my Redeemer lives!
661 I love to tell the story
477 I received the living God
574 I, the Lord of sea and sky
325 I want Jesus to walk with me
815 I want to walk as a child of the light
732 I was there to hear your horning cry
581 I will come to you in the silence
788 If God himself be for me
788 If God my Lord be for me
769 If you but trust in God to guide you
446 I'm going on a journey
860 I'm so glad Jesus lifted me
834 Immortal, invisible, God only wise
718 In a lowly manger born
615 In all our grief
575 In Christ called to baptize
650 In Christ there is no east or west
699 In deepest night
630 In heaven above
417 In his temple now behold him
744 In my life, Lord, be glorified
429 In our day of thanksgiving
440 In peace and joy I now depart
294 In the bleak midwinter
324 In the cross of Christ I glory
770 In the morning when I rise
466 In the singing
867 In thee is gladness
276 Infant holy, infant lowly
868 Isaiah in a vision did of old
282 It came upon the midnight clear
785 It is well with my soul
271 Jeg er sa glad hver julekveld
628 Jerusalem, my happy home
708 Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love
529 Jesu, tawa pano
696 Jesus calls us; o'er the tumult
472 Jesus Christ, bread of life
365 Jesus Christ is risen today
312 Jesus, come! for we invite you
345 Jesus, I will ponder now
333 Jesus is a rock in a weary land
808 Jesus, je voudrais te chanter
335 Jesus, keep me near the cross
621 Jesus lives, my sure defense
595 Jesus loves me!
317 Jesus on the mountain peak
775 Jesus, priceless treasure
616 Jesus, remember me
755 Jesus, Savior, pilot me
434 Jesus shall reign
624 Jesus, still lead on
754 Jesus, the very thought of you
529 Jesus, we are gathered
297 Jesus, what a wonderful child
267 Joy to the world
836 Joyful, joyful we adore thee
561 Joyous light of heavenly glory
697 Just a closer walk with thee
592 Just as I am, without one plea
409 Kyrie! God, Father
646 La paz del Senor
336 Lamb of God
357 Lamb of God, pure and sinless
768 Lead me, guide me
805 Lead on, O King eternal!
774 Leaning on the everlasting arms
490 Let all mortal flesh keep silence
881 Let all things now living
287 Let all together praise our God
717 Let justice flow like streams
291 Let our gladness have no end
710 Let streams of living justice
876 Let the whole creation cry
471 Let us break bread together
641 Let us build a house where love can dwell
802 Let us ever walk with Jesus
523 Let us go now to the banquet
674 Let us talents and tongues employ
841 Lift every voice and sing
660 Lift high the cross
726 Light dawns on a weary world
240 Light one candle to watch for Messiah
307 Light shone in darkness
403 Like the murmur of the dove's song
513 Listen, God is calling
435 Lo! He comes with clouds descending
272 Lo, how a rose e'er blooming
715 Longing for light, we wait in darkness
744 Lord, Be Glorified
727 Lord Christ, when first you came to earth
545 Lord, dismiss us with your blessing
475 Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendor
558 Lord God, we praise you
857 Lord, I lift your name on high
527 Lord Jesus Christ, be present now
599 Lord Jesus, think on me
808 Lord Jesus, you shall be my song
517 Lord, keep us steadfast in your word
512 Lord, let my heart be good soil
752 Lord, listen to your children praying
765 Lord of all hopefulness
716 Lord of all nations, grant me grace
707 Lord of glory, you have bought us
688 Lord of light
766 Lord of our life
730 Lord our God, with praise we come
676 Lord, speak to us, that we may speak
767 Lord, take my hand and lead me
745 Lord, teach us how to pray aright
750 Lord, thee I love with all my heart
463 Lord, who the night you were betrayed
712 Lord, whose love in humble service
579 Lord, you give the great commission
554 Lord, your hands have formed
243 Lost in the night
844 Louez l'Eternel
360 Love consecrates the humblest act
631 Love divine, all loves excelling
292 Love has come
397 Loving Spirit
837 Many and great, O God
741 Mayenziwe
364 Mfurahini, haleluya
280 Midnight stars make bright the skies
890 Mine eyes have seen the glory
280 Mingxing canlan ye wei yang
649 Miren que bueno
556 Morning has broken
735 Mothering God, you gave me birth
759 My faith looks up to thee
863 My God, how wonderful thou art
596,597 My hope is built on nothing less
821 My Jesus, my Savior
763 My life flows on in endless song
832 My Lord of light
438 My Lord, what a morning
782 My Shepherd, you supply my need
343 My song is love unknown
723 My soul cries out with a joyful shout
882 My soul does magnify the Lord
573 My soul now magnifies the Lord
251 My soul proclaims your greatness
622 Neither death nor life
513 Neno lake Mungu
869 Nimemwona Bwana
401 Njoo kwetu, Roho mwema
367 Now all the vault of heaven resounds
341 Now behold the Lamb
572 Now it is evening
568 Now rest beneath night's shadow
839,840 Now thank we all our God
570 Now the day is over
379 Now the green blade rises
460 Now the silence
743 Now to the Holy Spirit let us pray
462 Now we join in celebration
500 Now We Remain
486 Nuestro Padre nos invita
827 Nyt ylös, sieluni
888 O beautiful for spacious skies
447 O blessed spring
480 O bread of life from heaven
892 O Canada
604 O Christ, our hope
675 O Christ, our light, O radiance true
610 O Christ, the healer, we have come
760 O Christ the same
431 O Christ, what can it mean for us
722 O Christ, your heart, compassionate
283 O come, all ye faithful
257 O come, O come, Emmanuel
627 O day full of grace
711 O day of peace
521 O day of rest and gladness
886 Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing
880 O God beyond all praising
602 O God, Father in heaven
748 O God in heaven
878 O God of blessings, all praise to you!
713 O God of every nation
507 0 God of light
749 O God of love, O King of peace
714 O God of mercy, God of light
632 O God, our help in ages past
806 O God, my faithful God
703 O God, why are you silent
441 Oh, happy day when we shall stand
786 O Holy Spirit, enter in
399 O Holy Spirit, root of life
541 O Jesus, blessed Lord
810 O Jesus, I have promised
658 O Jesus, joy of loving hearts
563 O Light whose splendor thrills
279 0 little town of Bethlehem
542 O living Bread from heaven
407 O living Breath of God
751 O Lord, hear my prayer
241 O Lord, how shall I meet you
856 O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder
313 O Lord, now let your servant
319 O Lord, throughout these forty days
499 O Lord, we praise you
322 Oh, love, how deep
818 O Master, let me walk with you
308 O Morning Star, how fair and bright!
651 Oh, praise the gracious power
562 O radiant Light, O Sun divine
351,352 O sacred head, now wounded
820 O Savior, precious Savior
555 Oh, sing to God above
822 Oh, sing to the Lord
386,387 O sons and daughters, let us sing
405 O Spirit of life
559 O Splendor of God's glory bright
833 Oh, that I had a thousand voices
772 Oh, that the Lord would guide my ways
746 O thou, who hast of thy pure grace
571 O Trinity, O blessed Light
316 Oh, wondrous image, vision fair
316 Oh, wondrous type! Oh, vision fair
514 O Word of God incarnate
842 Oh, worship the King
668 O Zion, haste
295 Of the Father's love begotten
274 On Christmas night
787 On Eagle's Wings
249 On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry
437 On Jordan's stormy bank I stand
811 On my heart imprint your image
537 On our way rejoicing
550 On what has now been sown
273 Once again my heart rejoices
269 Once in royal David's city
701 Once we sang and danced
496 One bread, one body
533 Open now thy gates of beauty
519 Open your ears, O faithful people
247 Ososo, ososo
602 Otce nebesky, Svoritel'u sveta, Boze
640 Our Father, by whose name
746,747 Our Father, God in heaven above
606 Our Father, we have wandered
600 Out of the depths I cry to you
285 Peace came to earth
381 Peace, to soothe our bitter woes
248 People, look east
593 People who walk in darkness have sought
783 Praise and thanks and adoration
689 Praise and thanksgiving
458 Praise and thanksgiving be to God
884,885 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow .
872 Praise God with the sound of the trumpet
864 Praise, my soul, the God of heaven
865 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
875 Praise, praise, praise the Lord!
862 Praise, praise! You are my rock
877 Praise the Almighty!
823 Praise the Lord! O heavens
544 Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicing
843 Praise the One who breaks the darkness
844 Praise to the Lord, all of you
858,859 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
872 Praise Ye the Lord
773 Precious Lord, take my hand
264 Prepare the royal highway
639 Pues si vivimos
852 Qing zao qilai kan
682 Reamo leboga
430 Rejoice, for Christ is king!
418 Rejoice in God's saints
244 Rejoice, rejoice, believers
873,874 Rejoice, ye pure in heart
454 Remember and rejoice
328 Restore in us, O God
346 Ride on, ride on in majesty!
548 Rise, O church, like Christ arisen
657 Rise, O Sun of righteousness
665 Rise, shine, you people!
669 Rise up, O saints of God!
623 Rock of Ages, cleft for me
590 Salvation unto us has come
473 Santo, santo, santo
762 Santo, santo, santo, santo
534 Savior, again to your dear name
789 Savior, like a shepherd lead us
263 Savior of the nations, come
601 Savior, when in dust to you
330 Seed that in earth is dying
530 Sekai no tomo to te o tsunagi
549 Send me, Jesus
809 Send me, Lord
547 Sent forth by God's blessing
423 Shall we gather at the river
780 Shepherd me, O God
671 Shine, Jesus, shine
821 Shout to the Lord
672 Signs and wonders
281 Silent night, holy night!
355,356 Sing, my tongue
871 Sing praise to God, the highest good
694 Sing to the Lord of harvest
426 Sing with all the saints in glory
866 Siyahamba
608 Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling
878 Soli Deo Gloria
643 Somos uno en Cristo
655 Son of God, eternal Savior
310 Songs of thankfulness and praise
439 Soon and very soon
407 Soplo de Dios viviente
488,489 Soul, adorn yourself with gladness
396 Spirit of Gentleness
800 Spirit of God, descend upon my heart
396 Spirit, Spirit of gentleness
663 Spread, oh, spread, almighty Word
348 Stay with me
281 Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht
497 Strengthen for service, Lord
583,685 Take my life, that I may be
814 Take, oh, take me as I am
667 Take up your cross, the Savior said
493 Taste and see
293 That boy-child of Mary
384 That Easter day with joy was bright
591 That priceless grace
265 The angel Gabriel from heaven came
298 The bells of Christmas
729 The church of Christ, in every age
654 The church's one foundation
361 The day of resurrection!
569 The day you gave us, Lord, has ended
531 The feast is ready
300 The first Noel
320 The glory of these forty days
831 The God of Abraham praise
432 The head that once was crowned
502 The King of love my shepherd is
260 The King shall come
751 The Lord is my song
538 The Lord now sends us forth
778 The Lord's my shepherd
683 The numberless gifts of God's mercies
309 The only Son from heaven
646 The peace of the Lord
706 The people walk
889 The right hand of God
390 The risen Christ
861 The Singer and the Song
584 The Son of God, our Christ
551 The Spirit sends us forth to serve
366 The strife is o'er, the battle done
798 The Summons
531 The trumpets sound, the angels sing
506 The Word of God is source and seed
476 Thee we adore, O Savior
342 There in God's garden
614 There is a balm in Gilead
255 There's a voice in the wilderness
587,588 There's a wideness in God's mercy
350 They crucified my Lord
376 Thine is the glory
826 Thine the amen
586 This is a day, Lord, gladly awaited
824 This is my Father's world
887 This is my song
448 This is the Spirit's entry now
391 This joyful Eastertide
677 This little light of mine
327 Through the night of doubt and sorrow
809 Thuma mina
549 Thuma mina, Nkosi yam
613 Thy holy wings
511 Thy strong word
546 To be your presence
682 To God our thanks we give
743 To God the Holy Spirit let us pray
567 To you, before the close of day
266 Toda la tierra
583 Toma, oh Dios, mi voluntad
739 Touch the earth lightly
334 Tree of Life and awesome mystery
781 Tryggare kan ingen vara
817 Tu has venido a la orilla
702 Tu, Senor, que brillas
849 Tuya es la gloria
284 'Twas in the moon of wintertime
642 Ubi caritas et amor
653 Ubi caritas et amor
706 Un pueblo que camina
258 Unexpected and mysterious
498 Unidos en la fiesta
498 United at the table
819 Uyaimose
523 Vamos todos al banquete
489 Vengo a ti, Jesus amado
406 Veni Sancte Spiritus
602 Vieme to, pane boze nas
845 Voices raised to you
459 Wade in the water
262 Wait for the Lord
837 Wakantanka taku nitawa
436 Wake, awake, for night is flying
445 Wash, O God, our sons and daughters
457 Waterlife
576 We all are one in mission
411 We all believe in one true God
643 We are all one in Christ
692 We Are an Offering
451 We are baptized in Christ Jesus
720 We Are Called
866 We are marching in the light
453 We are people created
479 We come to the hungry feast
617 We come to you for healing, Lord
518 We eat the bread of teaching
686 We give thee but thine own
869 We have seen the Lord
500 We hold the death of the Lord
449 We know that Christ is raised
692 We lift our voices, we lift our hands
467 We place upon your table, Lord
680,681 We plow the fields and scatter
870 We praise you, O God
690 We raise our hands to you, O Lord
791 We sing to you, O God
635 We walk by faith
495 We who once were dead
625 We're Marching to Zion
353 Were you there
633 We've come this far by faith
774 What a fellowship, what a joy divine
742 What a friend we have in Jesus
296 What child is this
487 What feast of love
776 What God ordains is good indeed
524 What is this place
666 What wondrous love is this
803 When I survey the wondrous cross
850,851 When in our music God is glorified
305 When Jesus came to Jordan
861 When long before time
792 When memory fades
853 When morning gilds the skies
709 When our song says peace
704 When pain of the world surrounds us
785 When peace like a river
725 When the poor ones
566 When twilight comes
639 When we are living
700 Where armies scourge the countryside
359 Where charity and love prevail
719 Where cross the crowded ways of life
642 Where true charity and love abide
653 Where true charity and love abide
798 Will you come and follow me
659 Will you let me be your servant
368 With high delight let us unite
425 Who is this host arrayed in white
510 Word of God, come down on earth
424 Ye watchers and ye holy ones
525 You are holy
581 You Are Mine
758 You are the way
817 You have come down to the lakeshore
484 You satisfy the hungry heart
825 You servants of God
787 You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord
702 You, dear Lord
602 Your Heart, O God, Is Grieved
286 Your little ones, dear Lord
336 Your only Son
741 Your will be done
849 Yours, Lord, is the glory