Numerical index Common Praise
Index Common Praise First Line number Tune 1 Tune 2 Tune 3
Awake, my soul, and with the sun-----1-----Morning Hymn----------
Christ, whose glory fills the skies-----2-----Ratisbon----------
Father, we praise thee-----3-----Christe Sanctorum----------
Lord, as the day begins-----4-----Little Cornard----------
My Father, for another night-----5-----SLTimothy----------
New every morning is the love-----6-----Melcombe-----Gonfalon Royal-----
O splendour of God's glory bright-----7-----Solemnis Haec Festivitas----------
The day is filled with splendour-----8-----CherryTree Carol----------
This is the day the Lord hath made-----9-----Capel ----------
"Abide with me; fast falls the eventide"-----10-----Eventide----------
As now the sun's declining rays-----11-----St Columba-----St Peter-----
At even, ere the sun was set-----12-----Angelus----------
Before the ending of the day-----13-----Te Lucis Ante Terminum----------
Glory to thee, my God, this night-----14-----Tallis's Canon----------
God, that madest earth and heaven-----15-----At hyd y nos----------
Hail, gladdening light-----16-----Sebaste-----
O gladsome light, O grace-----17-----Nunc Dimittis-----
O strength and stay upholding all creation-----18-----Strength and Stay-----
Round me falls the night-----19-----Seelenbrautigam-----
Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise-----20-----Ellers-----
Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear-----21-----Abends-----Birling
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended-----22-----St Clement-----
The duteous day now closeth-----23-----Innsbruck-----
Come, thou long-expected Jesus-----24-----Cross of Jesus-----
Creator of the starry height-----25-----Conditor Alme-----Brockham
Hark, a thrilling voice is sounding-----26-----Merton-----
Hark the glad sound! the Saviour comes-----27-----Bristol-----
Hark what a sound, and too divine for hearing-----28-----Highwood-----
Hills of the North, rejoice-----29-----Little Cornard-----
Lift up your heads, you mighty gates-----30-----Wellington-----
Lo, he comes with clouds descending-----31-----Helmsley-----
O come, O come, Emmanuel-----32-----Veni Emmanuel-----
O Day of God, draw nigh-----33-----St Michael-----
On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry-----34-----Winchester New-----
People, look East. The time is near-----35-----Besancon-----
The advent of our King-----36-----St Thomas-----
The Lord will come and not be slow-----37-----St Stephen-----
The people that in darkness sat-----38-----Dundee-----
Wake, O wake! With tidings thrilling-----39-----Wachet Auf-----
Ye servants of the Lord-----40-----Narenza-----
A great and mighty wonder-----41-----Es ist ein' Ros' entsprungen-----
A stable lamp is lighted-----42-----A stable lamp is lighted-----
All my heart this night rejoices-----43-----Bonn-----
Angels from the realms of glory-----44-----Iris-----
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed-----45-----Away in a manger-----
Behold, the great Creator makes-----46-----This Endris Nyght-----Kilmarnock
Child of the stable's secret birth-----47-----Newtown St Luke-----
Christians, awake! salute the happy morn-----48-----Yorkshire-----
Come, thou Redeemer of the earth-----49-----Puer Nobis Nascitur-----
Dost thou in a manger lie-----50-----Dies est htitix-----
From heaven high I come to you-----51-----Vom Himmel hoch-----
`Glory to God!' all heav'n with joy is ringing-----52-----Highwood-----
Hark! the herald angels sing-----53-----Mendelssohn-----
I cannot tell why he, whom angels worship-----54-----Londonderry-----
In the bleak mid-winter-----55-----Cranham-----
It came upon the midnight clear-----56-----Noel-----
joy to the world, the Lord is come!-----57-----Antioch-----
Long ago, prophets knew-----58-----Personent hodie-----
Love came down at Christmas-----59-----Hermitage-----
Lully, lulla-----60-----Coventry Carol-----
O come, all ye faithful-----61-----Adeste Fideles-----
O come, all ye faithful, (processional)-----62-----Adeste Fideles-----
O little town of Bethlehem-----63-----Forest Green-----Christmas Carol
Of the Father's love begotten-----64-----Divinum Mysterium-----
Of the Father's love begotten (processional)-----65-----Divinum Mysterium-----
Once in royal David's city-----66-----Irby-----
See, amid the winter's snow-----67-----Humility-----
See him lying on a bed of straw-----68-----Calypso Carol-----
Silent night-----69-----Stille Nacht-----
The great God of heaven is come down to earth-----70-----A Virgin Unspotted-----
The maker of the sun and moon-----71-----Newbury-----
Thou who wast rich beyond all splendour-----72-----Fragrance-----
Unto us a boy is born!-----73-----Puer Nobis-----
What child is this, who, laid to rest-----74-----Greensleeves-----
Where is this stupendous stranger?-----75-----Halton Holgate-----Castiglione
While shepherds watched their flocks by night-----76-----Winchester Old-----
Who is he, in yonder stall-----77-----Resonet in Laudibus-----
Who would think that what was needed-----78-----Rex Gloria!-----
God whose love is everywhere-----79-----Chriscingle Praise-----
When candles are lighted on Candlemas Day-----80-----Lourdes----------
Lord, for the years your love has kept and guided-----81-----Lord of the
O God, whom neither time nor space-----82-----London New----------
As with gladness men of old-----83-----Dix----------
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning-----84-----Epiphany-----Bede-----Liebster
Earth has many a noble city-----85-----Stuttgart----------
From the eastern mountains-----86-----Evelyns-----Cuddesdon-----
Hail to the Lord's Anointed-----87-----Criiger----------
How brightly shines the morning star!-----88-----Wie schon leuchtet----------
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness-----89-----Was lebet----------
Songs of thankfulness and praise-----90-----St Edmund----------St George's
We three kings of Orient are-----91-----Three Kings of Orient----------
Christ, when for us you were baptized-----92-----Billing----------
When Jesus came to Jordan-----93-----Offertorium----------
Hail to the Lord who comes-----94-----Old 120th----------
Forty days and forty nights-----95-----Aus derTiefe----------
Jesu, lover of my soul-----96-----Hollingside-----Aberystwyth
Lord Jesus, think on me-----97-----Southwell (Daman)-----St Paul's
Lord, teach us how to pray aright-----98-----St Hugh-----
My spirit longs for thee-----99-----Quam Dilecta-----Amen Court
Ah, holy Jesu, how hast thou offended-----100-----Herzliebster Jesu-----
All ye who seek for sure relief-----101-----St Bernard-----
Alone thou goest forth, O Lord-----102-----Mendip-----
And didst thou travel light, dear Lord-----103-----Soll's Sein-----
At the cross her station keeping-----104-----Stabat Mater-----
Beneath the cross of Jesus-----105-----St Christopher-----
Drop, drop, slow tears-----106-----Song 46-----
Father, whose everlasting love-----107-----Eton-----
Glory be to Jesus-----108-----Caswall-----
It is a thing most wonderful-----109-----Herongare-----
Jesu, grant me this, I pray-----110-----Song 13-----
Jesu, thy blood and righteousness-----111-----Fulda-----
My song is love unknown-----112-----Love Unknown-----
Nature with open volume stands-----113-----Nuernberg-----
O come and mourn with me awhile-----114-----St Cross-----
O cross of Christ, immortal tree-----115-----Arden-----
O dearest Lord, thy sacred head-----116-----Albano-----
O love divine, what hast thou done!-----117-----Colchester-----
O love, how deep, how broad, how high!-----118-----Eisenach-----
O sacred head, sore wounded-----119-----Passion Chorale-----
O sacred head, surrounded-----120-----Passion Chorale-----
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle-----121-----Pange Lingua-----
The royal banners forward go-----122-----Vexilla Regis-----Gonfalon Royal
There is a green hill far away-----123-----Horsley-----
To mock your reign, O dearest Lord-----124-----Third Mode Melody-----
We sing the praise of him who died-----125-----Bow Brickhill-----
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?-----126-----Were you there-----
When I survey the wondrous cross-----127-----Rockingham-----O Waly Waly
All glory, laud, and honour-----128-----St Theodulph-----
Ride on, ride on in majesty!-----129-----Winchester New-----St Drostane
An Upper Room did our Lord prepare-----130-----O Waly Waly-----
Blest by the sun, the olive tree-----131-----Rushford-----Solemnis Haec
Go to dark Gethsemane-----132-----Nich[ so Traurig-----
Great God, your love has called us here-----133-----Ryburn-----Abingdon
This is the night, dear friends, the night for weeping-----134-----Intercessor-----Felix
A brighter dawn is breaking-----135-----Nun lasst uns-----
Alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord-----136-----Alleluia No. 1-----
Alleluia! Hearts to heaven and voices raise-----137-----Lux Eoi-----
At the Lamb's high feast we sing-----138-----Salzburg (Hintze)-----
Blest be the everlasting God-----139-----Burford-----
Christ is alive! Let Christians sing-----140-----Truro-----
Christ the Lord is risen again-----141-----Orientis Partibus-----Württemberg
Come, let us with our Lord arise-----142-----Gloucester-----
Come, ye faithful, raise the strain-----143-----St John Damascene-----Ave
Virgo Virginum
Finished the strife of battle now-----144-----Surrexit-----
Good Christians all, rejoice and sing!-----145-----Gelob[ sei Gon-----
Good Joseph had a garden-----146-----Cherry Tree Carol-----Cherry Tree
Jesus Christ is risen to-day, Alleluia-----147-----Easter Hymn-----
Jesus lives! thy terrors now-----148-----St Albinus-----
Light's glittering morn bedecks the sky-----149-----Lasst uns erfreuen-----
Love's redeeming work is done-----150-----Savannah-----
Most glorious Lord of life, that on this day-----151-----Farley Castle-----
Now is eternal life-----152-----Christchurch-----
Now the green blade riseth from the buried grain -----153-----Noel Nouvelet-----
Alleluia! O sons and daughters, let us sing!-----154-----O Filii et Filix-----
Paschal Feast! Upon the cross-----155-----St Albinus-----
Sing choirs of heaven! Let saints and angels sing! -----156-----Scampston-----
The day of resurrection!-----157-----Ellacombe-----
The Lord is risen indeed-----158-----St Michael-----
The strife is o'er, the battle done-----159-----Victory-----
Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son-----160-----Maccabeus-----
This joyful Eastertide-----161-----Vruechten-----
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem-----162-----St Fulbert-----
All hail the power of Jesu's name-----163-----Miles Lane-----
Christ, above all glory seated-----164-----Wychbold-----
Christ is the King! O friends rejoice-----165-----Gelobt sei Gon-----
Crown him with many crowns-----166-----Diademata-----
Hail the day that sees him rise-----167-----Llanfair-----
Hail, thou once despised Jesus!-----168-----In Babilone-----
Jesu, our hope, our heart's desire-----169-----Metzler's Redhead No. 66-----
God, we praise vou, God, we bless you!-----170-----Rex Gloriae-----
Jesus is Lord! Creation's voice proclaims it-----170-----Jesus is Lord-----
Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious-----171-----St Audrey-----
The head that once was crowned with thorns-----172-----St Magnus-----
The Lord ascendeth up on high-----173-----Palace Green-----Nun Freut Euch
Breathe on me, Breath of God-----174-----Windermere-----
Come down, O Love divine-----175-----Down Ampney-----North Petherton
Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove-----176-----Hawkhurst-----
Come Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire-----177-----Nun Danket All'-----
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire-----178-----Veni Creator (Mechlin)-----
Come, Holy Spirit, come!-----179-----Diademata-----
Come, thou Holy Spirit, come-----180-----Veni Sancte Spirims-----
Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round-----181-----Song 1-----Yorkshire
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost-----182-----Charity-----Cape[own
Holy Spirit, come, confirm us-----183-----All for Jesus-----
Holy Spirit, truth divine-----184-----Harts-----Court Way
Like the murmur of the dove's song-----185-----Bridegroom-----
Love of the Father, Love of God the Son-----186-----Song 22-----
O Holy Ghost, thy people bless-----187-----St Timothy-----
O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace-----188-----Tallis's Ordinal-----
O King enthroned on high-----189-----Amen Court-----Temple
O Spirit of the living God-----190-----Ludborough-----
O thou who camest from above-----191-----Hereford----------
On the day of Pentecost-----192-----Puer Nobis----------
Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed-----193-----St Cuthbert----------
Our Lord, his Passion ended-----194-----Naphilt----------
Spirit divine, attend our prayers-----195-----Stracathro----------
Spirit of God within me-----196-----Alford----------
Spirit of mercy, truth, and love-----197-----St Bartholomew----------
There's a spirit in the air-----198-----Lauds----------
When God of old came down from heaven-----199-----Winchester Old----------
Affirm anew the threefold name-----200-----Tyrol----------
Can we by searching find out God-----201-----St Bernard----------
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!-----202-----Nicaea----------
I bind unto myself today-----203-----St Patrick-----Gartan-----Deirdre
O God, by whose almighty plan-----204-----St Petersburg----------
This day God gives me-----205-----Addingcon----------
We give immortal praise-----206-----Croft's 136th----------
Blessed city, heavenly Salem-----207-----Westminster Abbey-----
Blessed city, heavenly Salem, (processional)-----208-----Westminster Abbey-----
Lord, be thy word my rule-----209-----Eden (Feilden)-----
Lord of the boundless curves of space-----210-----San Rocco-----
We love the place, O God-----211-----Quam Dilecta-----
Captains of the saintly band-----212-----University College-----
Christ is the world's light, he and none other-----213-----Christe Sanctorum-----
Disposer supreme, and judge of the earth-----214-----Old 104th-----
For all thy saints, O Lord-----215-----Mount Ephraim-----
Give us the wings of faith to rise-----216-----Song 67-----San Rocco
Glory to thee, O God-----217-----Harewood-----
God is the refuge of his saints-----218-----Lasus-----Cannock
God, whose city's sure foundation-----219-----Obiit-----
How beauteous are their feet-----220-----Venice-----St Thomas
How bright these glorious spirits shine!-----221-----Beatitudo-----Ballerma
Let saints on earth in concert sing-----222-----Dundee-----
Lo, round the throne, a glorious band-----223-----Deus'Iixorum Militnm-----
Lord, it belongs not to my care-----224-----St Hugh-----
O what their joy and their glory must be-----225-----O Quanta Qualia-----
Palms of glory, raiment bright-----226-----Palms of Glory-----
Rejoice in God's saints, today and all days!-----227-----Paderborn-----
Soldiers, who are Christ's below-----228-----Orientis Partibus-----
Who are these like stars appearing-----229-----All Saints-----
Ye watchers and ye holy ones-----230-----Lasst uns erfreuen-----
Ye who own the faith of Jesus-----231-----Den des Vaters Sinn Geboren-----
For all the saints who from their labours rest-----232-----Sine Nomine-----
Jesus calls us: o'er the tumult-----233-----St Andrew-----Merton
Sing we the praises of the great forerunner-----234-----Lobet den Herren-----
The great forerunner of the morn-----235-----The Truth from Above-----
Thou art the Christ, O Lord-----236-----Lawes's Psalm 47-----Love Unknown
We sing the glorious conquest-----237-----Ellacombe-----
For Mary, Mother of our Lord-----238-----St Botolph-----
Her Virgin eyes saw God incarnate born-----239-----Farley Castle-----
Praise we the Lord this day-----240-----Dominica-----
Sing we of the blessed Mother-----241-----Deerhurst-----
The Angel Gabriel from heaven came-----242-----Gabriel's Message-----
The God whom earth and sea and sky-----243-----Puer Nobis Nascitur-----
Virgin-born, we bow before thee-----244-----Mon Dieu, prete-moi l'Oreille-----Quem
Around the throne of God a band-----245-----Solothurn-----Quatford
Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels-----246-----Coelites Plaudant-----
Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright-----247-----Trisagion-----
'Tis good, Lord, to be here-----248-----Carlisle-----
Above the moon earth rises-----249-----Sally Gardens-----
All creatures of our God and King-----250-----Lasst uns erfreuen-----
All things bright and beautiful-----251-----Royal Oak-----All things bright
and beautiful
As water to the thirsty-----252-----Oasis-----
For the beauty of the earth-----253-----Englands Lane-----Lucerna Laudonix
For the fruits of his creation-----254-----East Acklam-----
God is a name my soul adores-----255-----Breslau-----
God, you have giv'n us power to sound-----256-----Bangor-----Springdale
Lord, bring the day to pass-----257-----Lawes's Psalm 47-----
Lord of beauty, thine the splendour-----258-----Grafton-----
Morning glory, starlit sky-----259-----Song 13-----
Morning has broken, like the first morning-----260-----Bunessan-----
My soul, there is a country-----261-----Christus der isr mein heben-----
O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder-----262-----How Great ThouArt-----
O Lord of every shining constellation-----263-----Heslington-----
The heavens declare thy glory, Lord-----264-----Birling-----
The spacious firmament on high-----265-----Addison's-----
The works of the Lord are created in wisdom-----266-----St Catherine's
Thou, whose almighty word-----267-----Moscow-----
Timeless love! We sing the story-----268-----All Saints-----
With wonder, Lord, we see your works-----269-----Es ist kein Tag-----
Come, ye thankful people, come-----270-----St George's Windsor-----
God, whose farm is all creation-----271-----Gott will 's machen-----
Praise and thanksgiving-----272-----Bunessan-----
Praise, O praise our God and King-----273-----Monkland-----
To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise-----274-----Golden Sheaves-----
We plough the fields, and scatter-----275-----Wir Pfliigen-----
According to thy gracious word-----276-----Bangor-----Song 67
All for Jesus, all for Jesus-----277-----All for Jesus-----
Alleluia, sing to Jesus!-----278-----Hyfrydol-----
And now, O Father, mindful of the love-----279-----Song 1-----
As the disciples, when thy Son had left them-----280-----Diva Servatrix-----
Author of life divine-----281-----Rhosymedre-----
Be known to us in breaking bread-----282-----Belmont -----
Before the throne of God above-----283-----Festus-----
Bread of heaven, on thee we feed-----284-----Bread of Heaven-----Nicht
so Traurig (Pressburg)
Bread of the world in mercy broken-----285-----Rendez a Dieu-----
Break thou the bread of life-----286-----Lathbury-----
Broken for me-----287-----Broken For Me-----
Christ is the heavenly food that gives-----288-----Jackson-----
Christian people, raise your song-----289-----AveVirgo Virginum-----
Christians, lift your hearts and voices-----290-----Webbe's St Thomas-----
Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell-----291-----Cross Deep-----Eton
Come, Holy Ghost, thine influence shed-----292-----Twyford-----
Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest-----293-----Blackbird Leys-----Morestead
Dearest Jesu, we are here-----294-----Liebster Jesu-----
Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness-----295-----Schmucke Dich-----
Draw nigh and take the body of the Lord-----296-----Song 46-----
Father, we adore you-----297-----Father, we adore you-----
Father, we thank thee who hast planted-----298-----Les Commandemens de
From glory to glory advancing, we praise thee, O Lord-----299-----Sheen-----
Glory in the highest to the God of heaven!-----300-----Cuddesdon-----
God is here! As we his people-----301-----Blaenwern-----
Hail, true Body, born of Mary-----302-----Standish-----Duggleby
Hands that have been handling-----303-----Glenfinlas-----North Coates
Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face-----304-----Magda-----
I come with joy, a child of God-----305-----St Botolph-----
I hunger and I thirst-----306-----Maria jung und zart-----
Jesu, we thus obey-----307-----Windermere-----Gildas (St Augustine)(Weisse)
just as I am, without one plea-----308-----SaffronWalden-----Misericordia
Let all mortal flesh keep silence-----309-----Picardy-----
Let thy blood in mercy poured-----310-----Jesus meine Zuversicht-----
Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour-----311-----St Helen-----
Lord Jesus Christ, be present now-----312-----Niagara-----
My God, and is thy table spread-----313-----Rockingham-----
Now from the heavens descending-----314-----Kings Lynn-----
Now let us from this table rise-----315-----Solorhurn-----
Now, my tongue, the mystery telling-----316-----Pange Lingua-----Grafron
(Tantum ergo)
O food to pilgrims given-----317-----Innsbruck-----
O thou, who at thy Eucharist didst pray-----318-----Song 1-----
Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicing-----319-----Evangelists-----
Praise we now the word of grace-----320-----Savannah-----Boyce
Rise and hear! The Lord is speaking-----321-----Sussex-----
Soul of my Saviour, sanctify my breast-----322-----Anima Christi-----
Strengthen for service, Lord, the hands-----323-----Ach Gott und Herr-----
Sweet Sacrament divine-----324-----Divine Mysteries-----
The Church of God a kingdom is-----325-----Crediton-----University
The heavenly Word, proceeding forth-----326-----Verburn Superman-----
The prophets spoke in days of old-----327-----Jackson-----
The Son of God proclaim-----328-----Mount Ephraim-----
Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, thee-----329-----Adorn te devote-----Ellers
We come to this your table, Lord-----330-----Grandchildren-----
We pray thee, heavenly Father-----331-----Dies Dominica-----
Wherefore, O Father, we thy humble servants-----332-----Christe Fons Jugis-----
You, living Christ, our eyes behold-----333-----Palace Green-----
Awake, awake: fling off the nightL-----334-----DeusTuorum Militum-----
Come, Lord, to our souls come down-----335-----Melling-----
Eternal God, we consecrate-----336-----St Fulbert-----
God the Father, name we treasure-----337-----Oriel-----
My God, accept my heart this day-----338-----St Peter-----
We bring our children, Lord, today-----339-----Angelus-----
We praise you, Lord, for Jesus Christ-----340-----Crucis Victoria-----
At Cana's wedding, long ago-----341-----Stella-----
Jesus, Lord, we pray-----342-----Seelenbrautigam-----
O perfect Love, all human thought transcending-----343-----Strength and
The grace of life is theirs-----344-----Harewood-----
From thee all skill and science flow-----345-----Belgrave-----
O Christ, the Healer, we have come-----346-----Ely-----Bow Brickhill
Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old-----347-----St Matthew-----
We cannot measure how you heal-----348-----Hawkhurst-----
When to our world the Saviour came-----349-----Church Triumphant-----
Give rest, O Christ-----350-----Contakion of the Dead -----
In our day of thanksgiving one psalm let us offer -----351-----St Catherine's
Jesu, Son of Mary-----352-----Eudoxia-----Caswall
And did those feet in ancient time-----353-----Jerusalem-----
God save our gracious Queen-----354-----National Anthem-----
I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above-----355-----Thaxted-----
judge eternal, throned in splendour-----356-----Rhuddlan-----
Lord of lords and King eternal-----357-----St Helen-----
O God of earth and altar-----358-----Kings Lynn-----
Rejoice, O land, in God thy might-----359-----Wareham-----
Faithful vigil ended-----360-----Pastor Pastorum-----
Glory be to God on high-----361-----Amsterdam-----
Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord-----362-----Woodlands-----
We believe in God the Father-----363-----Ebenezer-----
A city radiant as a bride-----364-----Ladywell-----
A mighty wind invades the world-----365-----Agincourr-----
A safe stronghold our God is still-----366-----Ein' Feste Burg-----
All glory be to God on high-----367-----Nicolaus-----
All my hope on God is founded-----368-----Michael-----
All people that on earth do dwell-----369-----Old 100th-----
All praise to God who reigns above-----370-----Luther's Hymn-----
All praise to our redeeming Lord-----371-----St Stephen-----St Magnus
All praise to thee, for thou, O King divine-----372-----Engelberg-----
All who love and serve your city-----373-----Omni Die-----
Almighty Father, who for us thy Son didst give-----374-----Annue Christe-----
Amazing grace (how sweet the sound)-----375-----Amazing Grace-----
And can it be that I should gain-----376-----Sagina-----
Angel-voices ever singing-----377-----AngelVoices-----
As Jacob with travel was weary one day-----378-----Jacob's Ladder-----
As pants the hart for cooling streams-----379-----Martyrdom-----
At the name of Jesus-----380-----Evelyns-----Kings Weston
Author of faith, eternal Word-----381-----Ivyhatch-----
"Awake, our souls; away, our fears"-----382-----St Petersburg-----
Be still, for the presence of the Lord, the Holy One, is here-----383-----Be
Be still, my soul: the Lord is on your side-----384-----Finlandia
Be thou my guardian and my guide-----385-----Abridge
Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart-----386-----Slane
Before Jehovah's aweful throne-----387-----Old 100th
Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme-----388-----St Magnus
Behold the amazing gift of love-----389-----Rodmell
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine-----390-----Blessed Assurance
Blest are the pure in heart-----391-----Franconia
Bright the vision that delighted-----392-----Laos Deo
Brother, sister, let me serve you-----393-----Servant Song
Christ for the world we sing!-----394-----Milton Abbas
Christ is our corner-stone-----395-----Harewood
Christ is the world's true light-----396-----Darmstadt
Christ the Way of life possess me-----397-----Christ the Way of Life
Christ triumphant, ever reigning-----398-----Guiting Power
Christians, lift up your hearts-----399-----Salve Festa Dies-----
City of God, how broad and far-----400-----Richmond-----
Come, let us join our cheerful songs-----401-----Nativity-----
Come, let us to the Lord our God-----402-----Newbury-----Maisemore
Come, living God, when least expected-----403-----Sunset-----
Come, my soul, thy suit prepare-----404-----East Peckham-----
Come my way, my truth, my life-----405-----Come My Way-----The Call
Come, thou fount of every blessing-----406-----Nenleton-----
Come, O thouTraveller unknown-----407-----David's Harp-----
`Come to me,' says Jesus-----408-----Glenfinlas-----Pastor Pastorum
Come, ye faithful, raise the anthem-----409-----Neander-----
Creator of the earth and skies-----410-----Agincourt-----
Dear Lord and Father of mankind-----411-----Repton-----
Dear Lord, we long to see your face-----412-----Surrey-----
Eternal Father, strong to save-----413-----Melita-----
Eternal Light! Eternal Light!-----414-----Chalfont Park-----
Eternal light, shine in my heart-----415-----Warrington-----
Father, hear the prayer we offer-----416-----Sussex-----Marching
Father in whom we live-----417-----Diademata-----
Father, Lord of all Creation-----418-----Abbot's Leigh-----
Father most holy, merciful and loving-----419-----Iste Confessor-----
Father of everlasting grace-----420-----Stamford-----
Father of heaven, whose love profound-----421-----Rivaulx-----
Father of peace, and God of love-----422-----Caithness-----
Fight the good fight with all thy might-----423-----Duke Street-----Rushford
Fill thou my life, O Lord my God-----424-----Richmond-----
Filled with the Spirit's power, with one accord-----425-----Blackbird
Firmly I believe and truly-----426-----Hahon Holgate-----
For the healing of the nations-----427-----Alleluia Dulce Carmen-----
`Forgive our sins as we forgive'-----428-----Stracathro-----
Forth in the peace of Christ we go-----429-----Duke Street-----
Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go-----430-----Song 34-----
From all that dwell below the skies-----431-----Illsley -----
From heaven you came, helpless babe-----432-----Servant King-----
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising-----433-----Sing Hosanna-----
Give to our God immortal praise-----434-----Dunedin-----Warrington
Glorious things of thee are spoken-----435-----Abbot's Leigh-----Austria
Glory, love, and praise, and honour-----436-----Benifold-----
Go forth and tell! O Church of God, awake!-----437-----Song 4-----
"Go forth for God; go forth to the world in peace "-----438-----Magda-----
God be in my head-----439-----God be in my Head-----
God be with you till we meet again-----440-----Randolph-----
God is love, and where true love is, God himself is there-----441-----Ubi
God is Love: let heav'n adore him-----442-----Alleluia-----
God is our strength and refuge-----443-----Dambusters' March-----
God is working his purpose out, as year succeeds to year-----444-----Benson-----
God moves in a mysterious way-----445-----London New-----
God of all power, and truth, and grace-----446-----Ombersley-----
God of freedom, God of justice-----447-----Rhuddlan-----
God of grace and God of glory-----448-----Webbe's St Thomas-----
God of mercy, God of grace-----449-----Heathlands-----
God with humanity made one-----451-----Cromer-----
Great God of wonders, all thy ways-----452-----Vater Unser-----
Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father-----453-----Great is thy Faithfulness-----
Great Shepherd of thy people, hear-----454-----Belgrave-----
Guide me, O thou great Redeemer-----455-----Cwm Rhondda-----
Happy are they, they that love God-----456-----Binchester-----
Hark, my soul, it is the Lord-----457-----St Bees-----
Have faith in God, my heart-----458-----Doncaster-----
He wants not friends that hath thy love-----459-----Uffingham-----CameronianMidniglu
I Ivnm
Help us, O Lord, to learn-----460-----Sandys-----
Help us to help each other, Lord-----461-----Dunfermline-----
Here from all nations, all tongues, and all peoples-----462-----O Quanta
Holy Trinity ofLove-----463-----Harts-----
How good is the God we adore-----464-----Celeste-----
How lovely is your dwelling-place-----465-----Harington-----
How shall I sing that majesty-----466-----Coe Fen-----
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds-----467-----St Peter-----
I danced in the morning-----468-----Lord of the Dance-----
I heard the voice of Jesus say-----469-----Kingsfold-----
I, the Lord of sea and sky-----470-----Here I am, Lord-----
I to the hills will lift mine eyes-----471-----St Mary -----
I waited for the Lord my God-----472-----Stracathro-----St Bernard
I'll praise my Maker while I've breath-----473-----Monmouth-----
Immortal, invisible, God only wise-----474-----St Denio-----
Immortal Love for ever full-----475-----Bishopthorpe-----
In a world where people walk in darkness-----476-----Let us light a Candle-----
In Christ there is no east or west-----477-----Kilmarnock-----
In heavenly love abiding-----478-----Penlan-----
In praise of God meet duty and delight-----479-----Cliff Town-----
In the cross of Christ I glory-----480-----Wychbold-----
Jerusalem, my happy home-----481-----Southwell (Irons)-----
Jerusalem the golden-----482-----Ewing-----
Jesu, my Lord, my God, my all-----483-----Stella-----
Jesu, priceless treasure-----484-----Jesu Meine Freude-----
Jesu, the very thought of thee-----485-----St Agnes (Dykes)-----
Jesu, thou joy of loving hearts-----486-----St Sepulchre-----Invitation
Jesus, good above all other-----487-----Quem pastores-----
Jesus, humble was your birth-----488-----Buckland-----
Jesus, Lord, we look to thee-----489-----Vienna-----
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun-----490-----Truro-----Galilee
Jesus, these eyes have never seen-----491-----Nun Danket All'-----
Jesus, where'er thy people meet-----492-----Wareham-----
join all the glorious names-----493-----Darwall's 148th-----
King of glory, King of peace-----494-----Gwalchmai-----
Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling gloom-----495-----Alberta-----Sandon
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us-----496-----Mannheim-----
Let all the world in every corner sing-----497-----Luckington-----
Let us, with a gladsome mind-----498-----Monkland-----
Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim-----499-----Crucifer-----
`Lift up your hearts!' We lift them, Lord, to thee -----500-----Woodlands-----All
Light of the minds that know him-----501-----Llangloffan-----
Light's abode, celestial Salem-----502-----Regent Square-----
Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing-----503-----Alleluia Dulce Carmen-----Pilgrimage
Lord, I have made thy word my choice-----504-----Billing-----
Lord Jesus Christ-----505-----Living Lord-----
Lord of all being, throned afar-----506-----Galilee-----
Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy-----507-----Slane-----
Lord of all power, I give you my will-----508-----Miniver-----
Lord of all, to whom alone-----509-----Huddersfield-----Onslow Gardens
Lord of the home, your only Son-----510-----Ivyhatch-----
Lord of the worlds above-----511-----Croft's 136th-----
Lord, speak to me, that I may speak-----512-----The Holy Son-----
Lord, the light of your love is shining-----513-----Shine, Jesus, shine-----
Lord, thy church on earth is seeking-----514-----Lux Eoi-----
Lord, thy word abideth-----515-----Ravenshaw-----
Love divine, all loves excelling-----516-----Love Divine-----Blaenwern
Loving Shepherd of thy sheep-----517-----Buckland-----
Make me a captive, Lord-----518-----Ich halte treulich still-----
Make me a channel of your peace-----519-----Channel of Peace-----
May the grace of Christ our Saviour-----520-----Wahham (Albert)-----
May the mind of Christ my Saviour-----521-----Griffin's Brook-----
My faith looks up to thee-----522-----Olivet-----
My God, how wonderful thou art-----523-----Westminster-----
"My God, I love thee; not because"-----524-----St Francis Xavier-----Solomon
Name of all majesty-----525-----Majestas-----
Nearer, my God, to thee-----526-----Horbury-----
New songs of celebration render-----527-----Rendez a Dieu-----
Not far beyond the sea, nor high-----528-----Cornwall-----
Nothing distress you-----529-----Many Mansions-----
Now thank we all our God-----530-----Nun Danket-----
O Christ the Word incarnate-----531-----Bentley -----
O for a closer walk with God-----532-----Caithness-----
O for a heart to praise my God-----533-----Stockton-----
O for a thousand tongues to sing-----534-----Selby-----
O God in heaven, whose loving plan-----535-----Colchester-----
O God of Bethel, by whose hand-----536-----Martyrdom-----Salzburg (Haydn)
O God, our help in ages past-----537-----St Anne-----
O Jesus, I have promised-----538-----Wolvercote-----
O Jesus, King most wonderful-----539-----Metzler's Redhead No. 66-----
O Lord of heaven and earth and sea-----540-----Es ist keinTag-----Almsgiving
O love divine, how sweet thou art!-----541-----Cornwall-----
O love that wilt not let me go-----542-----St Margaret-----
O praise ye the Lord! Praise him in the height-----543-----Laudate Dominum
(Parry)-----Laudate Dominum (Gauntlett)
O raise your eyes on high and see-----544-----Crediton-----
O sing a song of Bethlehem-----545-----IGngsfold-----
O worship the King, all glorious above-----546-----Hanover-----
Oft in danger, oft in woe-----547-----University College-----
One more step along the world I go-----548-----Southcote-----Southcote
Onward, Christian soldiers-----549-----St Gerirude-----
Our Father, by whose servants-----550-----Meirionydd-----
Our hunger cries from plenty, Lord-----551-----O Amor Quam Ecstaticus-----
Our Saviour's infant cries were heard-----552-----Soll 's Sein-----
Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?-----553-----Song 46-----
Pour out thy Spirit from on high-----554-----Melcombe-----Ludborough
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven-----555-----Praise My Soul-----
Praise the Lord! Ye heavens, adore him-----556-----Austria-----
Praise to the Holiest in the height-----557-----Gerontius-----Somervell
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation-----558-----Lobe
den Herren-----
Pray for the church afflicted and oppressed-----559-----Unde et Memores-----
Pray that Jerusalem may have-----560-----York-----
Prayer is the soul's sincere desire-----561-----Beatitudo-----
Put thou thy trust in God-----562-----Doncaster-----
Rejoice! The Lord is King-----563-----Gopsal-----
Restore in us, O God-----564-----Southwell (Daman)-----
Rock of ages, cleft for me-----565-----Petra-----
Shepherd divine, our wants relieve-----566-----St Erheldreda-----
Sing, all creation, sing to God in gladness-----567-----Iste Confessor-----
Sing alleluia forth ye saints on high-----568-----Martins-----
Sing praise to God who reigns above-----569-----Luther's Hymn-----Mit
Freuden zart
Sing to the Lord a joyful song-----570-----Solemnis Hxc Festivitas-----
Soldiers of Christ, arise-----571-----St Ethehvald-----
Sometimes a light surprises-----572-----Offertorium-----
Son of God, eternal Saviour-----573-----Everton-----Burythorpe
Songs of praise the angels sang-----574-----Northampton-----
Spirit of God, descend upon my heart-----575-----Sheldonian-----
Spirit of holiness, wisdom and faithfulness-----576-----Blow the Wind
Stand up, and bless the Lord-----577-----Carlisle-----
Stand up, stand up for Jesus-----578-----Morning Light-----
Steal away, steal away-----579-----Steal Away-----
Sweet is the work, my God, my King-----580-----Deep Harmony-----
Take my life, and let it be-----581-----St Bees-----Nottingham
Take up thy cross, the Saviour said-----582-----Breslau-----
Teach me, my God and King-----583-----Sandys-----
Thanks to God whose word was spoken-----584-----Kingley Vale-----
The church's one foundation-----585-----Aurelia-----
The God of Abraham praise-----586-----Leoni-----
The God of love my shepherd is-----587-----University-----
The great Creator of the worlds-----588-----Westminster-----
The King of love my shepherd is-----589-----Dominus regit me-----St Columba
`The kingdom is upon you!'-----590-----Wolvercote-----
The kingdom of God is justice and joy-----591-----Hanover-----
The Lord is King! lift up thy voice-----592-----Church Triumphant-----Niagara
The Lord my pasture shall prepare-----593-----Surrey-----
The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want-----594-----Crimond-----
The Son of God his glory hides-----595-----This Endris Nyght-----
There in God's garden stands the tree of wisdom-----596-----Diva Servatrix-----
There is a land of pure delight-----597-----Beulah-----
There's a wideness in God's mercy-----598-----Corvedale-----Cross of Jesus
Thine for ever! God of love-----599-----Newington-----
Thou art the Way: by thee alone-----600-----St James-----
Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown-----601-----Margaret-----
Thou hidden love of God, whose height-----602-----Vater Unser-----
Thou hidden source of calm repose-----603-----Melita-----St Chrysostom
Through all the changing scenes of life-----604-----Wiltshire-----
Through the night of doubt and sorrow-----605-----Rustington-----
Thy hand, O God, has guided-----606-----Thornbury-----
Thy kingdom come, O God-----607-----St Cecilia-----
Thy kingdom come! On bended knee-----608-----Irish
To God be the glory, great things he has done!-----609-----To God be the
To the name of our salvation-----610-----Oriel
We bring you, Lord, our prayer and praise-----611-----Wiltshire
We have a gospel to proclaim-----612-----Fulda
We pray for peace-----613-----Herstmonceux
We sing for all the unsung saints-----614-----Ladywell
What shall I do my God to love-----615-----Oxford New
When a knight won his spurs in the stories of old-----616-----Stowey
When all thy mercies, O my God-----617-----Contemplation
When, in our music, God is glorified-----618-----Engelberg
When morning gilds the skies-----619-----Laudes Domini
Where cross the crowded ways of life-----620-----St Bartholomew
Who would true valour see-----621-----Monk's Gate
Will you come and follow me-----622-----Kelvingrove
With glorious clouds encompassed round-----623-----Manchester
With joy we meditate the grace-----624-----Arden
Word of God, come down on earth-----625-----Liebster jesu
Ye holy angels bright-----626-----Darwall's 148th
Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim-----627-----Laudate Dominum (Gauntlett)
Ye that know the Lord is gracious-----628-----Hyfrydol