First Lines and Titles of Liturgical Music Evangelical Lutheran Worship
Agnus Dei 194
Ahora, Senor 203
All glory be to God on high 5159
All of us go down to the dust 223
Alleluia! Lord and Savior S205a
At last, Lord 203
Benedictus 5303,226
Blessed are you, Lord 5303,226
Blessed be God, the source of all life 209,210
Blessed be God, who chose you 215
Blessed be God, who forgives 221
Blessed be the Lord 5303,226
Celebrate the feast of victory 5177
Celebremos la victoria s177
Celtic Alleluia 174
Come, let us join our cheerful songs 5204b
Come, let us sing to the Lord 5300,224
Come, ring out your joy 225
Communion Acclamations s108,s130,s144b,s153,s162, s173,s181,s191,s200,s207,189-193
Cordero de Dios S182
Create in me a clean heart 185-158
Evening Prayer Opening Dialogue 5309
Free to go in peace as you have promised 202
Gloria, gloria, gloria 5176
Glory and praise to you 51606
Glory be to God in heaven S204a
Glory to God S99,S121,S139,S148,S158,(s159),s167, s176,s185,s19s,(s204a),s213b,162-164
Glory to God, glory in the highest 164
Glory to you, O Word of God 177
Gospel Acclamation (Alleluia) S102,S124,S142a,S151a, S160a,s171a,s179a,S188,S198a,S205a,S216a,168-175
Gospel Acclamation (Lent) see Lenten Acclamation
Great Litany 238
Halle, halle, hallelujah 172
Hallelujah 171
Have mercy onus, Lord 5203
Healer of boundless compassion 219
Hear my prayer, O Lord 5325
Hear our prayer 178
Heleluyan 171
Holy God 159-161
Holy,holy,holy s173,s181,s190
Holy, holy, holy; Christ has died; Amen S108,s130,s144b, s153,s162,s200,s207,189-193
Hymn of Light 229-231
In peace, let us pray to the Lord S98,S120,S138,S147, s156,s165,s193,(s316),157
Into paradise may the angels lead you 222
Jesus, Lamb of God 199
Joyous light of glory 229,230
Kyrie S98,s120,s138,s147,s156,s165,s175,s184,s193, s203,s213a,151-158
Kyrie eleison s184, S213a,151,155
Lamb of God 5112,5135a,5146,5154,5164,5174,5182, 5191,5201,S208,194-199
Lenten Acclamation s103,s125,s142b,s151b,s160b, S171b,S179b,s189,S198b,S205b,S216b,176,177
Let my prayer arise 233
Let my prayer rise before you 5312
Let my prayer rise up 232
Let the vineyards be fruitful 181-184
Let your steadfast love come to us s103,s125,s171b,s189, S198b,176
Litany 5316
Litany (Great) 238
Litany of the Saints 237
Lord, have mercy S213a,151-156,158
Lord, have mercy onus 5175
Magnificat 5314,234-236
May the God of all grace 217
May the God of all healing 220
Morning Prayer Opening Dialogue s298,5299
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord S314,234, 235
Night Prayer Opening s320a,s320b,s320c
Night Prayer Responsory 5323
Nkosi, Nkosi 153
Now the feast and celebration 167
Now, Lord s113,s135b,S324,200-203
Nunc dimittis see Now, Lord
O Christ, Lamb of God 196
O gracious light 231
O Lamb of God S1S2,197,198
O Lamb of God, you bear the sin 5208
0 Lord, hear our prayer 179
Offering Song 181-188
Oi, Jumalan Karitsa 197
Our Father in heaven 5163,5305,5318,5326
Phos hilaron 229-231
Praise to you, 0 Christ 216
Praise to you, O God of mercy 208
Prayer Response 175-180
Preface dialogue (D Major) 5107
Preface dialogue (E Major) 5152
Preface dialogue (F Major) s129,s144a,s161,s199
Return to the Lord, your God 51426,51516,52166
Salvation belongs to our God s219
Santo, santo, santo 5181
Senor, ten piedad 5175
Springs of water, bless the Lord 214
Te Deurn laudamus 227,228
Thankful hearts and voices raise 204-207
Thanks Be to God 208
Thanksgiving for Light 5310
The Spirit intercedes for us 180
This is the feast s101, s122, s140, s149, s169, (s177), s187, s196, (s204b),
165, 166
Trisagion 159-161
Turn back to the Lord 5179h
Venite 5300,224,225
Vuelva al Senor 1796
We are turning, Lord, to hear you s205b
We praise you, O God 227,228
You anoint my head 218
You belong to Christ 212,213
You have put on Christ 211