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HYMNOLOGIE Geschiedenis van de Hymnodie
Oud Joodse Hymnodie Vroeg Christelijke Hymnodie Griekse Hymnodie tot 900AD Latijnse Hymnodie Lutherse Hymnodie Calvinistische (Franse) Psalmodie Nederlandse Gemeentezang na de Reformatie Engelse Hymnodie
John Knox (1505-1572)
Het Schotse Berijmde Psalter werd geauthorizeerd door de Church of Scotland in 1650
The Psalms of David in Metre with Notes by John Brown of Haddington -- Still Waters Revival Books. An EXCELLENT link containg a Preface and links to the actual Psalms. The Scottish Psalter of 1635 ( -- Music for the Church of God)
The Scottish Psalter of 1635 ( -- Music for the Church of God)
Engelstalige links gewijd aan het Schotse Protestantisme:
John Knox (Hanover College) John Knox (Still Waters Revival Books) John Knox ( True and False Worship -- The Scottish Reformation So, what's a Presbyterian?
So, what's a Presbyterian?
ENGELSTALIGE LINKS naar andere Psalters: has a great link to several Psalters which includes COMPLETE TEXTS:The Old Version (Sternhold and Hopkins, 1562) The New Version (Tate and Brady, 1696) The Bay Psalm Book (1640) Watts', Psalms Imitated in the Languageof the New Testament (1709)
Engelstalige Links gewijd aan de Protestantse Reformatie:
The Reformation Guide (Michigan State University) The Protestant Reformation (Hanover College) The Protestant Reformation (from the site, A Puratin's Mind) The Catholic Counter-Reformation (Hanover College) Selected Source Readings from the Reformation Era (the Internet Midieval Sourcebook)