Psalm 23: The Genevan Bible
Because the Prophet had proued the great mercies of God at diverse times,
and in sundrie maners, he gathereth a certeine assurance, fully persuading
him self that God wil continue the verie same goodnes towards him for
A Psalme of Dauid.
1 The Lord is my shepherd, a I shal not want.
2 He maketh me to rest in grene pasture, & leadeth me by the stil
3 He b restoreth my soule, & leadeth me in the c paths of righteousnes
for his Names sake.
4 Yea, thogh I shulde walke through the valley of the d shadow of death,
I wil feare no euil : for thou art with me : thy rod and thy staffe, they
comfort me.
5 Thou doest prepare a e table before me in the sight of mine aduersaries
: thou doest f anoint mine head with oyle, and my cup runneth ouer.
6 Douteles kindenes, & mercie shal follow me all the dayes of my life,
and I shal remaine a long season in the g house of the Lord.
a He hathe care ouer me & ministreth vnto me all thi[n]gs.
b He comforteth or refresheth me.
c Plaine, or streight waies.
d Thogh he were in da[n]ger of death, as the shepe that wa[n]dreth in
the darke valley without his shepherd.
e Albeit his enemies soght to destroy him, yet God deliuerth him, &
dealeth moste liberally with him in despite of them.
f As was the maner of great feastes.
g He setteth not his felicitie in the pleasures of this worlde, but in
the feare and seruice of God.
(facsimile of the 1560 edition, The University of Wisconsin Press, Milwaukee,
p. 239
[Originally from The
DEFI Project - University of Liege. Psalm