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Liturgiek TVG



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Geschiedenis van de Hymnodie

Oud Joodse Hymnodie
Vroeg Christelijke Hymnodie
Griekse Hymnodie tot 900AD
Latijnse Hymnodie
Lutherse Hymnodie
Calvinistische (Franse) Psalmodie
Nederlandse Gemeentezang
na de Reformatie

Engelse Hymnodie


Psalm 23: Septuagint (Grieks)


LXT Psalm 22:1 yalmo.j tw/| Dauid ku,rioj poimai,nei me kai. ouvde,n me u`sterh,sei 2 eivj to,pon clo,hj evkei/ me kateskh,nwsen evpi. u[datoj avnapau,sewj evxe,qreye,n me 3 th.n yuch,n mou evpe,streyen w`dh,ghse,n me evpi. tri,bouj dikaiosu,nhj e[neken tou/ ovno,matoj auvtou/ 4 eva.n ga.r kai. poreuqw/ evn me,sw| skia/j qana,tou ouv fobhqh,somai kaka, o[ti su. metV evmou/ ei= h` r`a,bdoj sou kai. h` bakthri,a sou auvtai, me pareka,lesan 5 h`toi,masaj evnw,pio,n mou tra,pezan evx evnanti,aj tw/n qlibo,ntwn me evli,panaj evn evlai,w| th.n kefalh,n mou kai. to. poth,rio,n sou mequ,skon w`j kra,tiston 6 kai. to. e;leo,j sou katadiw,xetai, me pa,saj ta.j h`me,raj th/j zwh/j mou kai. to. katoikei/n me evn oi;kw| kuri,ou eivj makro,thta h`merw/n

Engelse vertaling van de Septuagint

LXE Psalm 23:1 < <A Psalm of David.>> The Lord tends me as a shepherd, and I shall want nothing. 2 In a place of green grass, there he has made me dwell: he has nourished me by the water of rest. 3 He has restored my soul: he has guided me into the paths of righteousness, for his name's sake. 4 Yea, even if I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will not be afraid of evils: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff, these have comforted me. 5 Thou has prepared a table before me in presence of them that afflict me: thou hast thoroughly anointed my head with oil; and thy cup cheers me like the best wine. 6 Thy mercy also shall follow me all the days of my life: and my dwelling shall be in the house of the Lord for a very long time.

[Origineel van The DEFI Project - Universitet van Luik. Psalm 23]