Psalm 23: Thomas Sternhold
My shepherd is the living Lord,
nothing therefore I need ;
In pastures fair with waters calm
he sets me forth to feed.
He did convert and glad my soul,
And brought my mind in frame,
To walk in paths of righteousness,
for his most holy Name.
Yea, though I walk in vale of death,
yet will I fear none ill :
Thy rod, thy staff doth comfort me ;
and thou art with me still.
And in the presence of my foes
my table thou shalt spread :
Thou shalt, O Lord, fill full my cup,
and eke anoint my head.
Through all my life thy favour is
so frankly shewd to me,
That in thy house for evermore
my dwelling-place shall be.
[Originally from The
DEFI Project - University of Liege. Psalm