VISSER Wie en Waarom

 Kerkelijk Jaar
Hoofddienst  Getijden Devotie Uitingsvormen 


Liturgiek TVG



Vroeg Christelijk

Oosters Orthodox

Westers Katholiek



Geschiedenis van de Hymnodie

Oud Joodse Hymnodie
Vroeg Christelijke Hymnodie
Griekse Hymnodie tot 900AD
Latijnse Hymnodie
Lutherse Hymnodie
Calvinistische (Franse) Psalmodie
Nederlandse Gemeentezang
na de Reformatie

Engelse Hymnodie



Prehistorie, Oudheid en Vroege Middeleeuwen
Barok en Rococo
Negentiende Eeuw
Twintigste Eeuw


Joodse Liturgie: zijn geschiedenis en theologie, een bibliografie bij een cursus van Ruth Langer

• Reuven Hammer, Entering Jewish Prayer: Guide to Personal Devotion and the Worship Service Schocken Books, 1995 ISBN 0805210229, BM660.H27 1994 ($11.20 on Amazon) [EJP] • Reuven Hammer, Or Hadash: A Commentary on Siddur Sim Shalom for Shabbat and Festivals (Rabbinical Assembly, 2003) ISBN 0916219208 ($45) [OH] • The Jewish Study Bible, ed. Adele Berlin, Marc Brettler (Oxford, 2003) ISBN 0195297547 (paperback, Amazon lists for $29.99 new) • Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Worship of the Heart: Essays on Jewish Prayer, ed. Shalom Carmy (Ktav, Toras Harav, 2003) ISBN 0-88125-771-0

Voorlopers in offerdienst en in woorddienst: de Joodse eredienst in de Tweede Tempel periode - de Bijbel en Qumran
o Exodus 25-30:10, 31:12-16, 34:18-28; Leviticus 10-10, 16, 23, Deuteronomium 16; I Koningen 6-9
o Misjna tamid in Neusner, De Misjna: een nieuwe vertaling , 862-873. BM497.5 E5 N48 1988
o EP Sanders, het jodendom: Praktijk en overtuiging, 63BCE-66CE, 47-118, 306-314. BM176.S257 1992
o Joseph Tabory ", de voorlopers van de 'Amida," in Identitaet durch Gebet ..., uitg. Gerhards (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schoeningh, 2003), +113-125 (of idem, "Ma'amadot: Een Tweede Tempel Niet-


Te lezen:
• Exodus 25-30:10, 31:12-16, 34:18-28; Leviticus 1-10, 16, 23; Deuteronomy 16; I Kings 6-9
• Mishnah Tamid, in Neusner, The Mishnah: A New Translation , 862-873. BM497.5 E5 N48 1988
• E.P. Sanders, Judaism: Practice and Belief, 63BCE-66CE, 47-118, 306-314. BM176.S257 1992
• Joseph Tabory, "The Precursors of the 'Amidah," in Identitaet durch Gebet..., ed. Gerhards Ferdinand Schoeningh, 2003), 113-125 (or idem, "Ma'amadot: A Second Temple Non-Temple Liturgy, in Liturgical Perspectives: Prayer and Poetry in LIght of the Dead Sea Scrolls, ed.Esther Chazon (Brill, 2003), 235-261 [rest of volume recommended too]).

-Temple Liturgie, in liturgische vooruitzichten:
Bidden en Poëzie in het licht van de Dode Zeerollen, Ed.
Esther Chazon (Brill, 2003), 235-261 [rest van het volume wordt aanbevolen te]).
• Selections from James R. Davila, Liturgical Works: Eerdmans Commentaries on the Dead Sea Scrolls (2000): 216-219 (Daily Prayers); 239-266 (Divrei HaMe'orot, Words of the Luminaries) Please bring all primary texts to class.Bibliography for further reading:
• Stefan C. Reif, Judaism and Hebrew Prayer, Ch. 2, "The Biblical Inspiration." BM660.R45 1993 • Moshe Greenberg, Biblical Prose Prayer as a Window to the Popular Religion of Ancient Israel
• Menahem Haran, Temples and Temple Service in Ancient Israel• Israel Knohl, The Sanctuary of Silence: The Priestly Torah and the Holiness School
• Yehezkel Kaufman, The Religion of Israel
• Prayer from Alexander to Constantine: A Critical Anthology, ed. Mark Kiley et. al., BL560.P67 1997
• Bilhah Nitzan, Qumran Prayer and Religious Poetry
• Daniel Falk, Daily, Sabbath, and Festival Prayers in the Dead Sea Scrolls
• Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature - some pictures, and links to all academic resources on the internet on the DSS.
• Judith Newman, Praying by the Book
• Prayers That Cite Scripture, ed. James L. Kugel, essays by Newman and Chazon.

o Selecties van James R. Davila, liturgische werken: Eerdmans Commentaren op de Dode Zee Rollen
(2000): 216-219 (dagelijkse gebeden); 239-266 (Bobov HaMe'orot, Woorden van de Verlichting)
Houdt u er voor zorgen dat alle primaire teksten naar de klas.
Bibliografie voor verder te lezen:
o Stefan C. Reif, het Jodendom en Hebreeuws gebed, Ch. 2, "De Bijbelse inspiratie." BM660.R45 1993
o Moshe Greenberg, Bijbelse Proza gebed als een venster op de volks-godsdienst van het Oude Israël
o Menahem Haran, tempels en de Tempel Service in het oude Israël
o Israël Knohl, Het Heiligdom van Stilte: De priesterlijke Thora en de Heiligheid School
o Yehezkel Kaufman, De godsdienst van Israël
o Gebed van Alexander Constantijn: A Critical Anthology, uitg. Mark Kiley et. Al., BL560.P67 1997
o Bilha Nitzan, Qumran Gebed en religieuze poëzie
o Daniel Falk, Daily, sabbat, en Festival Gebeden in de Dode Zee Rollen
Centrum voor de Studie van de Dode Zee Rollen en de geassocieerde Literatuur - enkele foto's, en links naar alle
academische bronnen op het internet op de Dead Sea Scrolls.
o Judith Newman, Bidden door het Boek
o Gebeden dat de Schrift Cite, Ed. James L. Kugel, essays van Newman en Chazon.


-De synagoge als een instelling

Te lezen:
• Hammer EJP, Ch. 4 • Sacred Place: The Emergence of the Synagogue in the Ancient World, ed. Steven Fine (Oxford and Yeshiva University Presses, 1996), Ch. 1. Eric M. Meyers, "Ancient Synagogues: An ArchaeologicalIntroduction," pp. 3-20; Ch. 2, Steven Fine, "From Meeting House to Sacred Realm: Holiness and the Ancient Synagogue," pp. 21-47.
• Reuven Kimelman, "Rabbinic Prayer in Late Antiquity, Part II: The Synagogue and Prayer," in The Cambridge History of Judaism, Part IV: The Late Roman-Rabbinic Period, ed. Steven T. Katz(Cambridge, 2006), pp. 573-580. Bibliography for further reading:
• Lee I. Levine, The Ancient Synagogue (Yale University Press, 2000) [the definitive work to date on all aspects of the topic]
• Steven Fine, This Holy Place: On the Sanctity of the Synagogue during the Greco-Roman Period (Notre Dame, 1997) • Steven Fine, ed., Sacred Realm: The Emergence of the Synagogue in the Ancient World (Yeshiva University, 1996)
• Steven Fine, ed., Jews, Christians and Polytheists in the Ancient Synagogue (1999)
• Philip A. Harland, Associations, Synagogues and Congregations: Claiming a Place in Ancient Mediterranean Society (Augsburg/Fortress, 2003)
• Dan Urman and Paul V.M. Flesher, eds., Ancient Synagogues: Historical Analysis and Archaeological Discovery (recent anthology of most important articles, many otherwise not in English.) IV. 2/5

Oorsrong en Ontwikkeling van de Rabbijnse Liturgie: Structuren en Patronen:
• Hammer EJP, Chs. 3, 5.
• SKIM the Weekday Evening Service in Hammer OH, pp. 281-298, to get a sense of the flow of the prayers. We will return to the details and commentary in coming weeks.
• Ruth Langer, To Worship God Properly: Tensions Between Liturgical Custom and Halakhah in Judaism (Cincinnati, 1998), Ch. 1, "The Creation of a Valid Non-Sacrificial Liturgy," pp. 1-40. • Ruth Langer, "Revisiting Early Rabbinic Liturgy: The Recent Contributions of Ezra Fleischer," Prooftexts 19:2 (1999): 179-204. Bibliography for further reading: • Reif, Judaism and Hebrew Prayer, Chs. 3-4.
• Joseph Heinemann, Prayer in the Talmud: Forms and Patterns, Chs. III, IV (highly recommended: Chs. I, II, XI and the entire book) BM660.H4613 1977
• Lawrence A. Hoffman, The Canonization of the Synagogue Service

De Shema en de zegeningen:
• EJP Ch. 8, 121-155.
• OH xxi-xxiv, 28-34, 107-114.
• Mishnah Berakhot, Ch. 1-3, in Neusner, The Mishnah...3-7. BM497.5 E5 N48 1988
• Reuven Kimelman, "The Shema` and its Rhetoric: The Case for the Shema` Being Morethan Creation, Revelation and Redemption," Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy2 (1992): 111-156.
• Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Worship of the Heart: Essays on Jewish Prayer, ed. ShalomCarmy (Ktav, Toras Harav, 2003), Chs. 7, 8, 9, pp. 107-143. Bibliography for further reading -- relevant sections of the following:
• Elie Munk, The World of Prayer
• Ismar Elbogen, Jewish Liturgy: A Comprehensive History BM660.E513 1993 • B.S. Jacobson, Weekday Siddur: An Exposition and Analysis of Its Structure, Content,Language, and Ideas BM675.D3 Z813 1978
• Lawrence A. Hoffman, ed., My People's Prayer Book: Traditional Prayers, ModernCommentaries (eight volumes) VII.,VIII. 2/26,3/11 The Amidah, Weekday, Sabbath, and Festival Readings for class -- this week and week VIII:
• EJP Ch. 9, 156-197
• OH xxiv-xxvi, 3a-9, 35a-38, 115a-120, 123a-128, 156a-161 (glance also at 168-175), 236.
• Mishnah Berakhot, Ch. 4-5, in Neusner, The Mishnah...7-9. BM497.5 E5 N48 1988 • Reuven Kimelman, "The Literary Structure of the Amidah and the Rhetoric of Redemption," in The Echoes of Many Texts: Reflection on Jewish and Christian Traditions, Essays in Honor of Lou H.Silberman (Scholars Press, 1997): 171-218.
• Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Worship of the Heart: Essays on Jewish Prayer, ed. Shalom Carmy (Ktav, Toras Harav, 2003), Chs. 2, 6, 10 Bibliography for further reading:
• As listed in the previous unit
• Ruth Langer, "The Amidah as Formative Jewish Prayer," in Identität durch Gebet: Zur gemeinschaftsbildenden Funktion institutionalisierten Betens in Judentum und Christentum, ed. AlbertGerhards, Andrea Doeker and Peter Ebenbauer (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2003), 127-156.
• Ruth Langer, "Early Rabbinic Liturgy in its Palestinian Milieu: Did Non-Rabbis Know the 'Amidah?" in

When Judaism and Christianity Began:
Essays in Memory of Anthony J. Saldarini, ed. Alan A. Avery-Peck, Daniel Harrington, Jacob Neusner (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2004), II: 423-439. 3/5BC Spring Break - No ClassIX. 3/19 Reading and Preaching Torah Readings for class:
• Mishnah Megillah Ch. 3-4. in Neusner, The Mishnah…320-324. BM497.5 E5 N48 1988 • OH 139-154.
• Ruth Langer, "From Study of Scripture to a Reenactment of Sinai: The Emergence of the Synagogue Torah Service," Worship 72:1 (January 1998): 43-67
• Jewish Study Bible, David Stern, "Midrash and Midrashic Interpretation", 1863-1875; Avigdor Shinan, "The Bible in the Synagogue," 1929-1937; Stefan C. Reif, "The Bible in the Liturgy," 1937-1948.
• Marc Saperstein, Your Voice is Like a Ram's Horn: Themes and Texts in Traditional Jewish Preaching (Hebrew Union College Press, 1996), Ch. 1, "'Your Voice is Like a Ram's Horn': Conceptions of JewishPreaching," 1-10; Ch. 2 "Preaching for Pesach," 11-22 Bibliography for further reading:
• Marc Saperstein, Jewish Preaching: 1200-1800 (Yale)
• David Ruderman, Preachers of the Italian Ghetto
• Ruth Langer, "Sinai, Zion, and God in the Synagogue: The Ashkenazi Celebration of Torah," in Liturgy and the Life of the Synagogue:Studies in the History of Jewish Prayer , ed. Steven Fine and RuthLanger (Eisenbrauns, 2005) • Midrash: a huge literature -- ask if you are interested! X. 3/26 Introductory Prayers and Psalms (Pesukei d'Zimra, Hallel, Kabbalat Shabbat) Readings for class:
• EJP, Chs. 7, "Preparation for Prayer"; 12, "Garments of Prayer"; 11, "Sabbath and Holidays" • OH 61-106, 132-137, 13-27 Bibliography for further reading:
• As listed in the Shema unit
• Joseph Tabory, "The Benedictions of Self-Identity and the Changing Status of Women and of Orthodoxy," Kenishta 1 (2001): 107-138.
• Yoel Kahn, The three morning blessings '...who did not make me...': A historical study of a Jewish liturgical text (PhD diss., Graduate Theological Union, 1999) --

• Reuven Kimelman, "Psalm 145: Theme, Structure, and Impact" Journal of Biblical Literature 113,1 (1994): 37-58 (available online through BC)
• Prayers that Cite Scripture, ed. Kugel, essay by Brody, "Liturgical Uses of the Book of Psalms in the Geonic Period." XI. 4/2 Supplicatory Prayers (Tahanun, Selihot, Tkhines) Readings for class:
• Prayer texts (pdfs)
• Soloveitchik, Chs.2 "Prayer, Petition and Crisis," 3 "The Human Condition and Prayer", 5 "The Absence of God and the Community of Prayer."
• Chava Weissler, Voices of the Matriarchs: Listening to the Prayers of Early Modern Jewish Women (Beacon, 1998), Ch. 1 "The Tkhines: An Introduction", pp. 3-35, 192-205. Bibliography for further reading:
• Seeking the Favor of God -- 3 volumes on the development of penitential prayer from the SBL, from the Second Temple period through early Judaism and Christianity. 4/9,4/16 Passover and Easter Break - No Class - Passover begins on Wednesday evening April 8 (15 Nisan) and ends at dark, Thursday evening April 16 (22Nisan). The first two days and the last two days are holy days. XII. 4/23 Home Rituals, Passover Seder Readings for class:
• Mishnah Berakhot, Ch. 6-7, in Neusner, The Mishnah... 9-12. BM497.5 E5 N48 1988 • OH 301-350, 299-300 • EJP, Ch. 13 "The Blessing After Meals"
• Mishnah Pesahim Ch. 10
• Passover Haggadah Bibliography for further reading:
• Barukh M. Bokser, The Origins of the Seder: The Passover Rite and Early Rabbinic Judaism BM695.P35 B64 1984. • Noam Zion and David Dishon, A Different Night: The Family Participation Haggadah (Shalom Hartman Institute)
• Ruth Gruber Fredman, The Passover Seder: Afikoman in Exile

• Isaac Yerushalmi, Haggadah and History
• Ruth Langer, "Prayer and Worship" in Modern Judaism: An Oxford Guide (Oxford, 2005)
• Stefan Reif, Judaism and Hebrew Prayer, Ch. 8-9.
• Joseph Tabory, "The Prayer for the State of Israel," in Liturgy and the Life of the Synagogue, ed. Langer and Fine (Eisenbrauns, 2005) Bibliography for further reading:
• Jakob J. Petuchowski, Prayerbook Reform in Europe: The Liturgy of European Liberal and Reform Judaism
• Eric Friedland, Were Our Mouths Filled with Song: Studies in Liberal Jewish Liturgy